Ping Pong Life 荣耀乒乓 Episode 14 Recap

Ping Pong Life 荣耀乒乓 Episode 14 Recap

Before Xu Tan left, he solemnly bid farewell to Coach He, but saw that the other party didn’t buy Fu Chuanzhi’s account at all, and asked Xu Tan to pick up the barbell he picked up when he first saw him. Xu Tan’s face was serious and he was mentally prepared, but when he mentioned it, he realized that the barbell had no weight at all. Coach He smiled with satisfaction and left with emotion, and Xu Tanzun said that the coach made him feel even more aftertaste.

Lei Lei’s grades went backwards and he needed to sign. After hearing his father’s constant nagging, he deliberately met with Xu Tan. The chocolate Xu Tan had been reluctant to eat was for Lei Lei, but it was a pity that Lei Lei was anxious to leave and didn’t take it to heart.

Ma Chuan had been guilty for the things that caused Xu Tan before, and now Xu Tan can resume training. The big stone in his heart has finally fallen to the ground, but he began to think of Xu Tan’s chocolates, and they have truly become friends. first step.

Time is getting tighter and Xu Tan’s training intensity is getting bigger and bigger, Lei Cheng has deliberately racked his brains to designate a training plan for him. This time, Lei Cheng did not force Xu Tan to change his playing style. Instead, he first specified a plan based on his advantages, but not being able to attack is still Xu Tan’s weakness.

Teng Biao took the initiative to find Lei Cheng, and asked Xu Tan to practice against Yu Kenan after seven turns and eight turns. Xu Tan’s advantage is defense, and his potential is no worse than anyone else. Yu Kenan is too fond of offense and defense is weak. The two people just restrain each other, and they can indeed learn from each other’s strengths in pair training.

Teng Biao’s words made Lei Cheng feel that he hoped that Xu Tan and Yu Kenan could practice against each other to improve Yu Kenan’s defensive weakness. This could achieve a win-win goal and would not make Lei Cheng feel that he was losing face or owing it. Human affection. The two coaches quickly reached a consensus on this matter.

Teng Biao had already known about Lei Cheng’s order of military orders, and his relegation was getting closer and closer. In Teng Biao’s mind, whether Lei Cheng or Xu Tan, it would be a pity to leave the national team. Yu Kenan was unwilling to practice against Xu Tan, but he agreed with Lei Cheng’s good intentions and his actual situation.

Before the training, Xu Tan and Yu Kenan played a game seriously, and finally ended the match with a score of 7 to 11. There was a gap between Xu Tan and Yu Kenan, and Lei Cheng was not disappointed unexpectedly to be able to end with such a difference. On the contrary, Yu Kenan found that Xu Tan had improved a lot compared to the past in this duel exercise.

Yu Kenan also temporarily kept the chocolate in the refrigerator, but he was embarrassed to give it to Zhang Caiwei, so he entrusted Ma Chuan to help. Unexpectedly, Ma Chuan was greedy for a while. After eating Xu Tan’s chocolate, he confuses him with Yu Kenan’s chocolate. After Zhang Caiwei received the chocolate, she found that there was a letter in it, and she knew it was a confession letter at first glance.

Xu Tan, who didn’t know the situation, hadn’t opened it yet. He specially gave Lei Lei chocolate while it was raining. He didn’t dare to let Lei Lei take it apart in front of him, running faster than a rabbit. When Lei Lei returned home and opened the chocolate, she found a plate of ibuprofen and an instruction manual inside.

Xu Tan and Yu Kenan continued to resume training, and Fu Jingchun continued to practice under Zheng Hao’s guidance. On the contrary, Liu Shi simply fell into Zheng Hao’s eyes. Regardless of whether Liu Shi had any technical problems, Zheng Hao didn’t care about it, and didn’t intend to mention anything. He regarded everyone as Fu Jingchun’s sparring and stepping stone.

Lei Cheng deliberately brought Xu Tan to the equipment warehouse and used the ball machine here to train Xu Tan. He found that Xu Tan could only play 100% of his abilities when he practiced by himself. Lei Cheng didn’t let go of every detail, hoping that Xu Tan could show confidence and overwhelm his opponent in momentum.


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