Ping Pong Life 荣耀乒乓 Episode 13 Recap

Ping Pong Life 荣耀乒乓 Episode 13 Recap

In order to allow Yu Kenan to return to the team for training, Teng Biao tried his best. After Fu Chuanzhi got an accurate answer, he immediately pretended to repair the bike at the gate of the women’s team, pretending to be a chance encounter with Wang Jun. Yu Kenan’s training punishment was only completed with the approval of the women’s team coach Wang Jun. Teng Biao also asked Wang Jun to sign for help.

Wang Jun’s original intention is to let Yu Kenan, who is good at backhands, practice with him, and help the women’s team find people who are good at backhands abroad. Teng Biao enthusiastically followed Wang Jun to seek the opinions of the female players. He thought it was an easy task, but all he got was Yu Kenan’s late and slack answer.

If Yu Kenan is not allowed to eat enough in this lesson, he will inevitably get into trouble in the future, then he will be completely insulated from the national team. After Teng Biao got Wang Jun’s approval, he still decided to let Yu Kenan stay in the women’s team for a while, so as to completely change his character.

It turned out that Wang Jun agreed to let Yu Kenan leave, all because Zhang Caiwei said good things for him. Under Wang Jun’s compulsion, Zhang Caiwei was willing to practice against Yu Kenan, and therefore became more familiar with the person she was displeased with. As proud as Yu Kenan, he was willing to go to the supermarket to buy sanitary napkins for Zhang Caiwei and lent her her coat to cover the blood that oozes. How could this not make a girl feel relieved.

At the same time, Lei Cheng paid a great price for Xu Tan to resume training as soon as possible. Half a year later, it is the promotion and relegation competition. Lei Cheng will not hesitate to issue a military order. If Xu Tan can’t get a good result, he will leave the national team together. This wasn’t Lei Cheng’s impulse, and the only way he could think of was that he was more willing to do everything for Xu Tan.

The Belgian game is over, Corning and Fang Yue have won gold and silver medals for the country, and also specially brought Belgian chocolates to the players. Xu Tan got the old man on vacation for a while, and immediately ran to the training ground. After getting the chocolate from Fang Yue, he was even reluctant to eat it for a while.

Yu Kenan has already returned to the team for retraining. After getting the advice of Zhang Caiwei, he also admitted that his mood will be affected after losing points. Once Yu Kenan has been figured out by his opponents, it will be difficult to turn defeat into victory. Hard training for the key ball is his top priority now.

The return of Yu Kenan also put pressure on Fu Jingchun. Zheng Hao deliberately asked him to pay attention to Yu Kenan, who worked hard for the key ball, to warn Fu Jingchun not to relax. Although Zheng Hao dislikes Yu Kenan very much, he has to admit that Yu Kenan’s talent is also Fu Jingchun’s biggest opponent.

Liu Shi has always been under Zheng Hao but he can’t take it seriously, not to mention he is best at cutting the ball, and Zheng Hao can’t complement each other. Liu Shi still did not give up the idea of ​​wanting Qin Zhen to be the in-charge coach. After every communication with him, Liu Shi has benefited a lot.

As a teaching assistant, it is impossible for Qin Zhen to become a supervisor. Although he also has ideas, he dare not let himself have such hopes. Liu Shi asked Zheng Hao to make Qin Zhen the coach in charge, but was rejected by the other side. Zheng Hao even looked down on Qin Zhen in his words.

At lunch time, Fu Chuanzhi and the old man sat together to dine. It turned out that the old man was also the coach of the national team. This time Xu Tan was able to improve with coach He’s advice, and Fu Chuanzhi also asked him for help. The use of Fang Yue’s training in the equipment warehouse really made Xu Tan’s heart full of fighting spirit, and the training during this period was indeed very effective.

Fu Chuanzhi deliberately came to the equipment library to test Xu Tan. He put out the same ball with tape, but Xu Tan hit it with one hit this time. Xu Tan had to Fu Chuanzhi personally promised that he could withdraw the punishment for Xu Tan, and he could finally return to the training ground.


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