Overdramatic Society

Freedom of expression on controversial or scandalous news makes an online world become a dramatic society, particularly when reporters present ‘useless content’ that deems inappropriate to public perception. In the meantime, social media users act as ‘detective’ and ‘cyber-vigilantism’ to judge and punish before the judicial process is over.

In fact, the vigilante behavior of both social media users and reporters is a violation of human rights, threatens the right to privacy, and dehumanizes. Improper crowdsourcing through violent opinions without truth just to get followers or rewards is a source of online harassment and cyberbullying. For reporters, such behavior is considered unethical and social irresponsibility.

Content skimming and scanning skills are important to prevent yourself from being part of improper crowdsourcing in social media usage. Ethical opinions and cyber empathy are also crucial. It is strongly suggested that reporters follow agenda setting and self-regulation guidance in accordance with the law and media ethics rather than just thinking about gaining followers and profits. This is to maintain an online world as a source of useful information not a stage of social redundancy tragedy.


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