Natural Source Code Theory Knowledge

Natural Source Code Theory Knowledge

How do things happen?

Science is like a new religion that attempts to understand natural matters, explains with scientifically rational principles, has been established from many theories and has been tested to find true answers. There is no theory that can explain everything that happens naturally.

The story of the world that all thinkers from the past to the present think and some of you know the true nature. able to explain complicated matters that were difficult to understand for ordinary people at that time by comparing them with what they saw in their daily lives What is said is sometimes difficult to believe because ordinary people are not as highly intelligent or as intelligent as those geniuses and the limits by the language they communicate cannot dictate the intangibles. Putting doctrines or stories into the scientific language to understand rationally is not difficult and shows what those people teach about nature.

First nature has two things. Emptiness (Space) and Energy (Energy) Natural source code come from the energy source. Formation in space (Space) Code of energy formation Formation of element (Mass) Forming a code of energy formation (Source code) Formation of energy formation Program, Pattern, Genesis, Regeneration, Destruction, Change.

Natural codes are like chains (Chains of code) giving birth to things. What happens is the code of one another that controls each other. in style For example, the composition of the basic elements DNA determines the nature of different forms of life. which the DNA code controls its creation of Proteins that make up the basic building blocks of living organisms. The function of the death of various cells that make up the organ. Organs have codes of functioning and controlling each other that make up the body, organisms are dictated by the genetic code that controls birth.

Formation, existence and decay, death. In addition, living beings are determined by nature to give birth, nurture, live with each other, eat each other, kill each other, die, forming cycles coded from energy levels, elements, and atoms. Molecules, cells, organs, bodies, animal communities, ecosystems, solar system There is a form of code that is determined from the initial code of nature in a continuous chain. as well as inanimate things Emptiness, energies, elements, stars, star systems, are born, survive, transform and die.

Everything in nature is caused by energy (Energy). Elements that can be combined are associated with energy. Changes in Elemental Energy (Mass) Atoms have a natural source code that governs their origin. (Genesis) persists (Regeneration) decays (Destruction) in a pattern (Pattern of process, program) Understanding many codes will be able to control the natural code which controls the generating energy morph and destroy which controls everything, creates, destroys, and changes the form of things.

There are many natural codes. Understanding the codes that govern elemental energies is the key to developing a knowledge of the natural origins of things. Controlling elemental energy, originating, transforming, and destroying elemental energy is scientifically proven. And it’s what scientists today are trying to understand. The study of various energies with mass (Quantum physic), the mass of energy.

It is not enough to understand the truth of nature. Matters beyond the mass energy level It’s about the code that controls the energy mass. source of mass and various forms of energy The birth of the universe, the stars, inanimate things, living beings, energy, energy is the result of the control of the energy control code, and the mass of energy itself is the same code that controls continuously and in a chain of things. From the natural code, origin, control, and energy, is the code controlling elements, the origin of atoms, molecules, elements, and matter.

When did such origins be understood? Human beings will discover the fact that God does not exist. It’s just a state of energy in the void. And by understanding the myriad of codes, it is possible to create and control all things like God. Or to say that great things are natural source code (God, Nirvana is the Natural source code).

Religious teachings come from natural truths that are difficult to explain with the limitations of intellect and language. That teaching cannot cause common people to understand the reasons for all things. And the doctrine may misunderstand what the Prophet is trying to tell. a person with a high level of intelligence will be able to understand such detailed matters is not difficult Man also doubts and questions many of his own origins.

This question has a simple answer that is explained in that language. Living things are created in different forms from energy. way power code Nature is great. beyond what ordinary living beings can learn at all.

There are many, many, millions, trillions of codes of nature. The dimensions of created things overlap in many dimensions. The code has a repeating pattern as a cycle of constantly changing, occurring, persisting, changing, decaying, and breaking down. We only understand the pattern that the code defines.
Nature originates from natural codes. All things occur in a pattern determined by natural codes.

Applying knowledge of the natural code such as age control Changing birth cycle patterns, and sustaining, and inhibiting decay may extend the lifespan of living organisms It’s not difficult to understand. Dimensions or living conditions and various forms of life that exist as a group of life forces (Lifeforce) help us understand the use of what is known as psychic energy. imagine according to the imagination When able to comprehend the natural code that governs everything (Mind energy directly controls Natural Source code to change everything in the way of Imagination) group of energy dominating codes It is energy that is no longer invariant with code, is the end of the cycle of natural code. called suffering.


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