Nathan Road in Kowloon Peninsula, Hong Kong

Nathan Road located on the Kowloon Peninsula in Hong Kong and is one of Hong Kong’s most famous streets. The road to Salisbury Road in the south , and Cheung Sha Wan Road in the north passing Jordan and Yau Ma Tei. This is the main arterial road in Kowloon. On the morning of May 2, 2008, the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay began in Hong Kong. Nathan Road, which has strong local characteristics in Hong Kong, was filled with the “Holy Torch Regiment” from all parties.

Along Nathan Road, you can walk from Mong Kok . To Tsim Sha Tsui , there are many world brand shops along the way, as well as many drug and makeup and skin care shops, ladies’ favorite. Every night, it will look very dazzling, the crowds passing through it are intertwined, a prosperous scene, there are many snack shops along the street, and if you are tired, you can choose a family to sit down and rest, and there are countless creative ads on the street. There are also many bands of passersby playing here, and their singing skills are quite good, and it is one of the bustling streets of Hong Kong.


The construction of Nathan Road began when the Beijing Treaty was signed in 1860 . The road was formerly known as Robinson Road in memory of Governor Robinson.

In 1887, the scope of Nathan Road was only south to Middle Road and north to Austin Road. In 1904, the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Nathan , vigorously developed the Kowloon Peninsula , widening Nathan Road into a major avenue and extending it to Waterloo Road .

On March 19, 1909, in order to avoid confusion between the road and the street of the same name on Hong Kong Island , the Hong Kong Government decided to rename the road to Nathan Road in honor of Governor Nathan, who expanded the road.

In 1911, British Crown Prince George V was crowned Emperor. To commemorate this, the Hong Kong Government has named Coronation Road the newly completed road from Waterloo Road to Argyle Street . In 1926, Coronation Road was extended to Boundary Street , and the Hong Kong Government decided to merge Coronation Road and Nathan Road into Nathan Road.

When Nathan Road was originally widened into a six-lane boulevard and trees were planted on both sides of the road, the Kowloon Peninsula remained a sparsely populated area. People at the time called Nathan’s stupid Nathan (Nathan’s Foo). But it turned out that Sir Nathan’s vision. Before the 1960s, Nathan Road was a tree-lined avenue lined with trees. Later, most of the trees were sawed off because of obstructing the double-Decker buses . Only a small section of Kowloon Park remained with the big trees planted that year.

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