Nanjing love 南京爱情 Episode 27

Nanjing love 南京爱情 Episode 27

High Gold Nanjing espionage ring true ChenMo people high crack absolutely bang. Nanjing is the capital of a country, and it is infiltrated with various forces. If you are not careful, you will get into trouble. Gao Jinbang three people came to Nanjing for many days, only killing a few insignificant traitors including Mei Yangchun. The capable traitors rushed out before they traveled. The average person wanted to assassinate the big traitor and it was difficult to go to heaven.

Chen Moren’s dissatisfaction with Gao Jinbang’s return to Nanjing for nothing to do all day, Gao Gaobang’s heart, did not announce that he had killed Mei Yangchun. Lin Yuhui guessed that Mei Yangchun was killed by Gao Jinbang, and Chen Moren decided that Gao Jinbang had no time to commit crimes.

Chen Moren sent a telegram to Director Xu, reporting the dynamics of Gao Jinbang to Nanjing, and was strongly dissatisfied with the high gold list that did nothing. Director Xu received the telegram and contacted his old man in Nanjing to meet with Gao Jinbang.

The old horse conveyed the will of Director Xu, urging Gao Jinbang to remove the important traitor as soon as possible, otherwise the superior would not withdraw the action funds. Gao Jinbang learned from the old horse that Chen Moren had told him that he couldn’t help but be in the face of the old horse. Chen Moren is an old thing.
Chen Lijun once again went to the high gold list and proposed to join the anti-Japanese organization. Gao Jinbang wanted to reject Chen Lijun, and he thought about it. He realized that the opportunity to retaliate against Chen Moren came. Although Director Xu told him in advance that he could not let Chen Moren’s children resist the Japanese, he decided to use Chen Lijun in retaliation for Chen Moren.
Chen Lijun entered the Gaojinbang residence for several days and caught the attention of Liu Ma. Chen Moren learned that her daughter Chen Lijun ran to the Gaojinbang residence for three days and instinctively determined that her daughter Chen Lijun was seduce by Gao Jinbang.

On the surface of Gao Jinbang, there is one set in the back, and Chen Moren can’t bear to call it to a painful batch. The two men made a fierce argument with no words. Gao Jinbang sneered at Chen Lijun as a ruin, claiming not to give him. Chen Moren was completely angered by Gao Jinbang, raising his hand and slamming Gao Jinbang’s slap in the face. Gao Jinbang lost his rationality and pisted his pistol at Chen Moren. He made a screaming roar. He has been holding Chen Moren for a long time. At this time, he has no endurance. endure.

Lin Yuhui heard the news and opened a high-ranking list. Chen Moren’s anger was difficult to raise the high-ranking list in front of Lin Yuhui. Lin Yuhui learned the reason for the contradiction between the two people and reminded Chen Mo people not to have more heart. . Gao Jinbang is her sweetheart, how can she seduce Chen Lijun?

Although Chen Moren realized that he had misunderstood the Gao Jinbang, but the savage and fierce appearance of Gao Jinbang’s guns made him feel scared, he did not want to accept the high gold list.

The higher level urged the tight, Gao Jinbang decided to take two brothers to do a big vote, killing an important big traitor. Everything is ready, and the three enter a restaurant. The goal is to wash the face in the bathroom, and the high-gold list in the same bathroom quickly swept to both sides. There is no one around, it is a good time to start. Gao Jinbang picked up the towel on his hand and used it as a weapon. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed the target’s neck. He saw the target suffocating and died. Cheng Bijian sneaked in.


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