Nanjing love 南京爱情 Episode 26

Nanjing love 南京爱情 Episode 26

High Gold pretend to ChenMo people and good spring plum killed. Gao Jin’s list does not live in Lin Yuhui’s soft and hard foam, and he actively negotiates with Chen Moren. Chen Moren sincerely resolves the contradiction with Gao Jinbang. He apologized for the act of rechanging the results of the high-ranking list that year, and blamed the ruthlessness of Gao Jinbang. In order to express his enthusiasm for the high family, Chen Moren decided to bury Gao Bo in the backyard of Chen’s family and eternal life.

On the surface of Gao Jinbang, there was no objection to the placement of the grandfather’s remains, but his heart misrepresented Chen Moren’s kindness and screamed for the dying grandfather. Grandfather made a servant of Chen’s family for half a lifetime. After he died, he was unable to get out of the body and was buried in Chen’s backyard by Chen Moren. Gao Jinbang determined that Chen Moren regarded the Gao family as a servant forever.

A Fang has heard about the background of Gao Jinbang. She told Gao Jinbang that she also wants to join the anti-Japanese organization. As long as she needs her, she will not hesitate to die.

A Fang is twenty-three years old and has not married yet. She only wants to be a slave to the high-ranking list for a lifetime, and she has no intention of marrying. Gao Jinbang remembered that the good brother Axing had a good impression on Afang, and the beauty of the adult was combined.

In the face of national hardship, many local officials chose to sell the country for the sake of the Japanese to sell their lives. Nanjing, which is the capital of a country, is a traitor everywhere. The big traitor Mei Yangchun sold the people of the motherland and played for the Japanese when the Japanese captured Nanjing. Gao Jinbang led Axing and Erxi, and went out to the barbershop of Meiyangchun Barber.

Axing and Erxi took away a number of bodyguards who were outside the barber shop. Gao Jinbang entered the barbershop alone, took out a pistol and scared the owner, and picked up a razor to Meiyangchun’s neck.

The death of Mei Yangchun alerted the Chinese and Japanese governments. The entire city of Nanjing was caught in chaos. There were Chinese and Japanese police officers arresting suspicious people everywhere.

Gao Jinbang and two good brothers returned to Chen’s family day and night, Lin Yuhui was anxiously unsettled and ignored the dangers. The Gaojin list was slightly brought to Lin Yuhui to mention Mei Yangchun, which meant to remind Lin Yuhui to read the news published in the newspaper the next day.

Zhou Shuhui learned that Gao Jinbang returned to Nanjing and entrusted Chen Moren to inform Lin Yuhui to come to the concession. Lin Yuhui went to the concession to see Zhou Shuhui. The two people still have the opposite view of Gao Jinbang. Like Zhou Mohui, Zhou Shuhui always regards Gao Jinbang as a person with great revenge. Lin Yuhui is not. She thinks that Gaojinbang is impulsive, but her nature is not bad, and Gaojinbang has been reconciled with Chen Moren. She feels that Chen Jia has finally united.

Gao Jinbang led two brothers out of the way to perform a new traitor task. Axing played a retreat and brought up the No. 76 organization that gave the military uniforms a headache. The organization repeatedly hunted the military uniforms and was already the nemesis of the Military and Military Administration.


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