Nanjing love 南京爱情 Episode 25

Nanjing love 南京爱情 Episode 25

Don’t be on the third day, when you look at it. Gao Jinbang is already a special agent of the Military and Military Bureau. Chen Moren has sent his son Chen Peiwen to his side. Chen Peiwen is not as good as Gao Jinbang from childhood to age. On the one hand, Chen Moren hopes that his son Chen Peiwen will be a leader, and on the other hand he is worried that his son Chen Peiwen is in danger. Poor parents in the world, he feels that he is not a good father, leading a pair of children to live for twenty or thirty years without any achievements.

Chen Peiwen has always wanted to fight against Japan and kill the enemy. The Gao Jinbang is a pioneer in the anti-Japanese war. Chen Peiwen has gradually become a patriotic cause like Gao Jinbang.

Gao Jinbang and Lin Yuhui talked a long time and sent a gift to Lin Yuhui. The gift is a lot of beautiful puppets. These beautiful dolls are vivid, Lin Yuhui holds a puppet, and the nose is unconscious. A sour cried. How she hopes to go backwards, return to the era of peace, or the end of the war, everyone will live a happy and happy day, she can safely live with the high gold list.

After being ruined by the Japanese army, Chen Lijun changed her character. Every day, she was distracted and full of thoughts. Chen Peiwen looked at her sister Chen Lijun, and she was depressed every day.

Gao Jinbang returned to the house where he lived. Two good brothers had gone to bed. Gao Jinbang suddenly had an illusion. He saw his grandfather lying in bed and calling him, causing him to scream a grandfather. After shouting Grandpa, he came back and remembered that Grandpa had passed away. Grandpa’s death made him deepen his hatred of Chen Moren. He decided that Chen Moren killed his grandfather.

Since I met Gao Jinbang and Lin Yuhui, A Fang has been expecting two people to get married. This time, Gao Jinbang returned, and A Fang re-raised, urging Gao Jinbang to marry Lin Yuhui. There is no way for Gao Jinbang to take care of Lin Yuhui, who has a simple mind. He has to ensure that he will leave with Afang when he gets married. Axing had a good impression on A Fang, who worked hard, and took the initiative to ask Gao Jinbang to be an old man, helping him to go through the door.

Gao Jinbang’s mission back to Nanjing was to protect the country and defend the country. Chen Lijun wanted to fight against the enemy’s enemies and killed the enemy. He proposed to join the high-ranking anti-Japanese organization. Gao Jinbang was puzzled by Chen Lijun, who had changed her personality. From Afang’s mouth, she explored the reasons for Chen Lijun’s transformation.

Lin Yuhui persuaded Gao Jinbang to reconcile with Chen Moren. Although Gao Jinbang has already indicated that the national disaster is mainly anti-Japanese, regardless of the personal grievances with Chen Moren, Lin Yuhui is still worried, and hopes that Gao Jinbang will take the initiative to find Chen Moren. One side is a sweetheart, and the other is an elder of a father. She is sandwiched between two people.


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