Nanjing love 南京爱情 Episode 23

Nanjing love 南京爱情 Episode 23

Chen Moren decided to send Zhou Shuhui to the concession. Although the Japanese are already hegemonic in Nanjing, the land in the concession is still very safe. In addition, Chen Moren has a foreign friend who is engaged in medical work living in the concession. After Zhou Shuhui went to the concession, he could receive better treatment. Maybe the doctor who diagnosed her before was misdiagnosed. In fact, she may also be able to resume walking. The concession is like heaven and hell compared to the city occupied by the Japanese. Zhou Shuhui can reopen the old dance hall in the concession. Chen Moren is willing to pay to support Zhou Shuhui’s entrepreneurship. Zhou Shuhui declined Chen Moren’s kindness. The Japanese searched her dance hall and found nothing. The property she has accumulated over the years has been.

Zhou Shuhui was relieved of Lin Yuhui and persuaded Lin Yuhui to go to the concession with her. Lin Yuhui also took care of Chen Lijun , who was depressed by the Japanese . The Chen family was constantly troubled. Chen Moren was troubled by all kinds of troubles. Lin Yuhui stayed at Chen’s home and had an important The role, Gao Bo has been killed, when the high gold list comes back, it will certainly be angered to Chen Moren, Lin Yuhui will play a key role, whether Gao Lin’s contradiction can resolve it depends on her.

Far from the high-ranking list of Peiping, he embarked on a road of resisting Japanese swindlers. He changed from a gentle-minded college student to a murderous military sergeant. He never lost his hand on the target he stared at.

It is a good thing for the Military and Military Bureau to resist Japanese rape. However, it is not necessarily a traitor who is dead in the hands of the Military and Military Affairs Bureau. There may be cases of manslaughter. An official named Tang, who was suspected of traitor, died in the hands of the Military and Political Bureau. The official and Chen Moren were detained. Chen Moren learned that his friend had been unpredictable and decided to go to Chongqing to contact his superiors.

The wild village ghost is not scattered when Chen Moren goes out to visit, and he does not bother to persuade Chen Moren to join the China-Japan maintenance meeting. Chen Moren was anxious to go out and did not have the heart to take care of Nomura. Once again, it shows that the oath is not a traitor. Nomura does not intend to force Chen Moren to be a traitor. He has a deep impression that Chen Moren cannot join the anti-Japanese camp and will only be able to wander around Nanjing City in the future.

Chen Moren heard the killings contained in Nomura’s words and had to dispel the idea of ​​going to Chongqing. The Chongqing side sent a secret telegram to Chen. After Chen Moren got the telegraph, he was ecstatic to Lin Yuhui. Now he regards Lin Yuhui as a confidant. Any important thing is shared with Lin Yuhui. With a telegraph machine, he can keep in touch with his superiors without leaving home.

During the survival of the country, Ma’s father chose to rely on the government of Wang’s pseudo-government. Chen Moren refused to cooperate with Ma’s father and insisted on standing in the anti-Japanese camp headed by Chiang Kai-shek. The two humanities are different, and they can bitter Chen Peiwen and Ma Fengyi who are in love. Chen Moren hated the traitors and went to Ma Fengyi, who lived in Chen’s home for many days.


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