Mysterious Love 他在逆光中告白 Episode 16 Eng Recap

Mysterious Love 他在逆光中告白 Episode 16 Eng Recap

That year, Tori saw the ship explode with his own eyes. The troubled Tuoli was sleeping on the street, and someone insulted Ruan Nianchu, which he painted, and Tuoli resisted desperately.

Xingxing was very sad when he learned that Jiang Hao was injured, and Qiao Yufei was also very sad. After all, Jiang Hao’s life or death is uncertain now. Qiao Yufei asked Li Teng to rush to Ruan Nianchu. As soon as the voice fell off, the doctor in the rescue room told everyone that Jiang Hao had complications during the rescue, and the rescue was ineffective. As soon as Qiao Yufei heard the news, it was like a bolt from a blue sky, and the stars cried loudly. Li Teng pretended to be calm and arranged everything. He told Qiao Yufei that he would arrange Jiang Hao’s funeral and at the same time upgraded Qiao’s security level.

Tori called Li Teng and told Li Teng that the safety of the people around him was the final decision. This game was also initiated by himself, so everything had to be finalized by himself. Li Teng took the three brothers to the abandoned building area according to Tuoli’s instructions, only to see the picture of Ruan Nianchu being imprisoned by Tuoli.

Tori dressed Ruan Nianchu as a bride and told Li Teng if he was a good match for Ruan Nianchu, and at the same time the time bomb was activated. Tori asked Li Teng to make a choice. Brothers and Ruan Nianchu chose one of the two. To save Ruan Nianchu, he killed his three brothers. To save the brothers, he could only watch Ruan Nianchu’s body explode to pieces.

Li Teng tried to exchange his brother and Ruan Nianchu with the chip, but was rejected by Tori because there was no third option in the rules of the game. This caused great controversy in Li Teng’s brotherhood, and the four scuffled together. Tori told Ruan Nianchu that as Dan’s son, he was thrown into other gangs when he was ten years old. He began to be self-reliant and could not disclose any news to outsiders. In those years, he was a wild boy until he met Ruan Nianchu. I felt that my gloomy world had a little color. In fact, I didn’t dare to be interested in business at all. All I wanted was to be with Ruan Nianchu, but found that only when I became stronger could I get everything I wanted.

Just as Tori was emotional, Li Teng appeared in front of Ruan Nianchu like a god. It turned out that Li Teng in the monitor was pretending to be Jiang Hao, and all this was a dark game that Li Teng had arranged in advance. When Tori looked at the monitor again, he learned that Jiang Hao had suspended Li Teng and killed Li Teng with a dark needle in a critical moment.

Li Teng and Tuo Li scuffled together. Du Liu Ruan Nianchu sat in a chair in a hurry. Li Teng told Tuo Li that his love was not love but to take, and that he did not dare to love because he was afraid to drag Ruan Nianchu into the boundless darkness. Li Teng finally stunned Tori. In the last two minutes when the bomb was about to explode, Li Teng quickly untied the rope on Ruan Nianchu’s body and used the police to remotely remind him to dismantle the missile. Li Teng made Ruan Nianchu believe in himself once, and then quickly dismantled the bomb. Fortunately, the bomb is fake.

The reason why Li Teng was able to find Ruan Nianchu was because he had asked Team Yang for help before installing a locator in the proposal ring. Ruan Nianchu half joked that Li Teng’s scheming city mansion was too deep. Qiao Yufei mistakenly thought that Jiang Hao was really dead, and was very sad. She drove the car to the place where the two met for the first time, and she cried alone in the car. At this time, Jiang Hao also came to this place. He knocked on Qiao Yufei’s car window and said apologetically. I missed you so much, and the two embraced.

Tori was captured by the police, and all the information was sent to the police, and Vasha Duan Kun would also sit through the prison this time, waiting for them will be sanctions by law. Li Teng came to the Xiwei Opera Troupe to pull up Ruan Nianchu who was wearing a wedding dress. Because of the traffic jam, Li Teng had to drove a heavy truck and motorcycle, and carried Ruan Nianchu to the wedding scene. Li Teng thanked Ruan Nianchu for fulfilling his faith, and thanked Ruan Nianchu for being his beacon in the dark.

Ruan Nianchu and Li Teng’s wedding took place on July 14, but the bride and groom have not been there for a long time. This made Ruan’s father and mother anxious. As soon as the voice fell, Li Teng and Ruan Nianchu arrived at the wedding scene. Ruan Nianchu asked Li Teng to agree to his third wish, and then he married him. The soft mother told Ruan Nianchu to get married first and wait until later.

The promise was very straightforward. It turned out that Ruan Nianchu’s third wish was for Li Teng to agree to three more wishes. Li Teng agreed without saying a word, saying that for the rest of his life he only listened to Ruan Nianchu. Ruan Nianchu heard happiness and took the initiative to kiss Li Teng. People hug and kiss in front of relatives and friends.


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