My Son Sanctuary in Vietnam

My Son Sanctuary, Miesen was one of the most important holy cities in the Champa Kingdom from the 4th century to the 15th century. With over 900 years, the site is a collection of fine arts. A variety of Classified as the oldest and most complete Hindu religious site in Indochina. In the middle of the year 2013, the group of the bearer archaeological site has been open for Vietnamese and foreign tourists to visit after 14 years of consecration. Experts can dig and renovate over 60 objects, buildings and structures that have been damaged and buried under the ground.

Mr Federico, an Italian engineer who has been operating the Castle Group since 2004-2005 revealed that “I am an engineer and used to learn construction techniques of Cham people. Before joining the project, I read books and newspapers about this castle and when coming here, I can see the real castle which is very different from what I read. When the project is finished I feel that there must be magic that we can make the castle look more beautiful. No project yet The castle is surrounded by weeds and grass. Don’t be dense. There are no people. The atmosphere is quiet but very beautiful. When the project is completed I feel more like it.”

My Son Sanctuary was built with ancient Cham art in the 4th century to serve as a place of worship for Lord Shiva. According to Hindu beliefs Is in Quang Nam province Central region of Vietnam located in the low plain Surrounded by mountains Area of ​​approximately 2 square kilometers Consisting of 73 castles. In addition to the castle, there are statues, temples and surrounded by rain forest, but during the Vietnam War Vietnamese soldiers used castle as their headquarters. The American side then led the bomber in this area. Many ancient ruins have been destroyed. Resulting in only 22 castles remaining.

My Son Sanctuary was registered as a World Heritage Site at the 23rd Annual World Heritage Committee Meeting in Marrakech. Morocco which meets the requirements and criteria for considering cultural heritage in the amount of 2 items as follows:

1. something that has a great influence Push for continuous development in architectural design, monuments, sculptures, gardens and landscapes, as well as the development of related arts or the development of human settlement Which has occurred in a certain period of time Or on any area Of the world that preserves culture.

2. It is a confirmation of evidence of culture or civilization that appears today or that has disappeared.


My Son Sanctuary located in the Duy Tan community, Quang Nam Province. about 70 kilometers southwest of Da Nang and 40 kilometers away from Hanoi and is open year-round. The suitable time to visit is in the morning because the weather is good.

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