My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 6 Recap & Review

My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 6 Preview

Do-ha treats Sol-hee to a wonderful meal as a token of appreciation. A cozy dating atmosphere is created. The two have a drink together and have a deep conversation. The two grow closer through the power of alcohol. That night, in her drunken stupor, Sol-hee makes a huge mistake she would never normally make. Meanwhile, after being released from prison, Eom-ho visits Deuk-chan and threatens her into revealing Do-ha’s identity…!

My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 6 Recap & Review

Do-ha tries to break the habit of always wearing a mask, so he takes Sol-hee out for dinner. She ends up being drunk so he makes sure she arrives home safely and she notices the scar on his back. Sha On is depressed because Do-ha told her he does not love her. Do-ha brings Sol-hee the hangover soup and asks her to clean his shirt. Father of the girl Do-ha presumably killed, Eom-ho, gets into Deuk-chan’s car and asks him if Do-ha is actually Seung-ju. Deuk-chan denies it, but does not tell Do-ha about the incident. A neighbor finds out about the secret room in Sol-hee’s café and tells Do-ha. Kang-min gets hurt during work. Sol-hee and Do-ha watch a match together. Sol-hee admits her mom is lying to one of her clients, which leads to her being outraged and making a mess in her café. Do-ha sees them and Sol-hee admits to him that she can hear lies.


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