My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 4 Recap & Review

My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 4 Preview

Sol-hee pretends to be a lover with Do-ha and saves Do-ha from danger. The two finally learned each other’s names for the first time. Sol-hee thought that Do-ha used the fake name Kim Seung-Joo to hide her identity, but she is puzzled because she doesn’t sound like a lie. Sol-hee begins to suspect that her own abilities are not working for her Do-ha.

Even once from Doha’s mouth, she begins to induce lies to come out.

At that time, an urgent phone call came from someone who was looking for Doha.

My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 4 Recap & Review

Sol-hee successfully manages to help Do-ha get into the complex without being photographed, however, the reporters follow and Do-ha ends up being trapped in Sol-hee’s apartment. He tells her his name is Kim Seung-ju, leading her to believe her power does not work on him as it seems he was always telling the truth. Reporters photograph a delivery man thinking he was Do-ha which leads to a fight and police is called.

Kang-min comes to the scene and coincidentally also sees Sol-hee, however, he also notices Do-ha’s shoes. Do-ha admits he does not want to work with Sha On anymore because of her obsession. Later, Sol-hee invites him to a dinner. Kang-min meets again with Sol-hee and asks about the shoes he saw. She lies that those were her boyfriends. Do-ha, who happens to go by, comes closer as he did not know Kang-min and plays along. Sha On tries to follow Deuk-chan to find Do-ha who she is unable find to despite the additional information. Deuk-chan tells Sha On that Do-ha does not want to work with her anymore.

Sol-hee and Do-ha have dinner together at the restaurant but is cut short by Sha On’s call claiming she will commit suicide in a similar manner as Do-ha’s first girlfriend was murdered/committed suicide (of which he was a murder suspect too). He gets a fever leading Sol-hee to drive him to Sha On. During the drive, he confesses he is Kim Do-ha and urges her not to take photos. Sha On is saved but sees Sol-hee. When arriving back, Do-ha, who was half-asleep, says “I didn’t kill her” and Sol-hee recognizes that as a lie.

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