My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 2 Recap & Review

My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 2 Preview

In the moment of crisis, Do-ha escapes the situation with the help of Sol-hee. However, her Do-ha remembers Sol-hee whom she briefly ran into in her hometown of Hak-cheon five years ago, and is anxious that she will recognize him. To make matters worse, the two met as neighbors next door. Sol-hee is strangely curious about Do-ha, the man next door who avoids people and hides her face, but he only tells the truth about her.

Meanwhile, Solhee receives a new request, and she meets an unexpected person there…!

My Lovely Liar (2023) 소용없어 거짓말 Episode 2 Recap & Review

The real harasser is found. Do-ha is relieved and starts asking Sol-hee if she remembers him. For her to recognize him, she hints that he should take off his mask, but he does not and just leaves. He, however, now lives next door to Sol-hee. Sol-hee’s mother is a con artist, and Sol-hee constantly destroys her plans. Do-ha is also a pianist in a jazz club, where he does not wear a mask, but sunglasses.

At night, Sol-hee watches a football match and also wakes up Do-ha. They both watch the same match, however, they are fans of different clubs that play in the game. Their food gets delivered at the same time and only then they realize they are each other’s neighbor.

The next morning, Chi-hoon accidentally damages Do-ha’s car while trying to take a picture with it, but Do-ha does not mind it that much. Deuk-chan, the CEO of J Entertainment for which Do-ha works and a close friend of his admits to Moo-jin the rumor that Sha On is seeing Do-ha, which Moo-jin records and then blackmails him to send it to news media unless he can meet with Do-ha. Sol-hee sees Deuk-chan and Do-ha together in front of the complex and thinks that Deuk-chan is a creditor since they switched cars.

The next day, Moo-jin comes to Sol-hee as a client so she can help him prove that Do-ha is a liar and plagiarises other songs. However, Do-ha only speaks the truth, which makes Moo-jin angry, forcing Do-ha to drink alcohol, and in the end, spraying a can of coke into his face. Sol-hee, however, did not see his face as she was hiding in a secret compartment.

As Sol-hee comes home, she finds Do-ha drunk in front of the building. Because of the coke stains on his shirt, she finds out he is Do-ha. She wants to help him, but her temptation to remove the mask wins over. Source: Wikipedia

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