My Journey to You (2023) 云之羽 Episode 5 Recap & Review

Episode 5: Yun Weishan’s identity was verified and he escaped disaster

Gong Shangjiao sent someone to take the portraits of Yun Weishan and Shangguanqian to their hometown to testify. This made Yun Weishan a little worried. Shangguan Qian, while Yun Weishan is an imposter. Yun Weishan felt that it was the best policy for her to walk, and Shangguanqian suggested that it would be better for her to wait. Since Wufeng sent her to carry out the task, he would definitely be able to help her deal with this matter. For herself, no matter what time she insisted that she was Yun Weishan, she calmed down.

Gong Shangjiao told his younger brother that the carrier pigeon had sent the results of the verification, and they were going to get the hidden weapons and sing a persuasion. On the other side, Shangguan Qian came to Yun Weishan specifically to ask what she should do if the information was different from what she expected. Yun Weishan said that she could only accept her fate. Shangguan Qian suggested that she could hold herself hostage to escape, but Yun Weishan felt that this was inappropriate.

Would the Gong family let Wu Feng’s assassin go for Shangguan Qian? Shangguan Qian said that the jade pendant in her hand turned out to be Gong Shangjiao’s. Before she could figure out her origin, Gong Shang Horns will surely keep themselves alive. On the surface, it seemed that Shangguan Qian was thinking about Yun Weishan, but when she thought about it carefully, if she really did this, Shangguan Qian would be cleared of suspicion, and ultimately it was for her own sake.

At this time, someone came to ask them to go to the Blade Handling Hall, and both of them felt a little uneasy, especially Yun Weishan, who was not sure if Jackdaws had made arrangements in advance. Gong Shangjiao told the result of the verification that Shangguanqian’s identity is not a problem, but Yun Weishan has a problem. Gong Shangjiao asked her if there were thieves in the house on the day she came to the palace gate. Yun Weishan said that there were indeed thieves in the house. But because no valuables were lost, there was no publicity. Gong Shangjiao continued to ask, saying that the neighbors around Yun’s family didn’t know the person in the portrait.

Yun Weishan insisted that he was the daughter of Yun’s family in Lixi Town. Perhaps someone had changed it. In the portrait, seeing Gong Shangjiao being aggressive, Gong Ziyu immediately stood in front of Yun Weishan. Gong Shangjiao saw that his deceit was fruitless, so he told the truth, and Yun Weishan’s neighbor testified for her. Yun Weishan knew that Jackdaw Si must have done something, and her heart slowly calmed down.

The identities of the two brides had been verified, but Gong Ziyu stood up and asked Steward Jia from the pharmacy to be brought up. Steward Jia glanced at Gong Yuanzheng, and then identified Gong Yuanzheng in court and asked him to extract Baicao. The drugs were exchanged, resulting in the poisoning and death of Zhibian and the young master. Gong Yuanzheng was furious and accused Guanshi Jia of framed him, but Gong Ziyu believed that this was true. Upon seeing this, Gong Shangjiao proposed to put Guanshi Jia into the dungeon for interrogation. After hearing this, Guanshi Jia immediately released a smoke bomb and fled.

Everyone in the palace had served Baicao Extract and was resistant to the poisonous smoke, but Yun Weishan and Shangguan Qian were in a coma due to poisoning. Gong Ziyu immediately stepped forward to feed Yun Weishan the antidote and then rushed out to chase him. Jia is in charge. After the poisonous smoke dissipated, everyone found Manager Jia lying dead in the yard with Gong Yuanzheng’s darts inserted into his body.

Gong Ziyu felt that he was trying to kill someone, and Gong Yuanzheng laughed at him and said that his darts only numbed people’s nerves. Obviously, It was Guanshi Jia who swallowed the poison prepared in advance.

Faced with Gong Ziyu’s suspicion, Gong Shangjiao proposed to put Gong Yuanzheng in a dungeon to find out the truth, but if he tortured them to extract a confession, he would never let them go. Gong Ziyu reflected on himself, and felt that his ability was really weak, and there was still a big gap compared with Gong Shangjiao, and he might really not be worthy of the position of blade holder. Jin Fan could only comfort him on the one hand, and on the other hand, Gong Shangjiao went to Butler Jia’s room and found a token of Wufeng Assassin’s Charm Rank.

Later, Gong Shangjiao gave the token to the elders, and then expressed his dissatisfaction with Gong Ziyu’s succession to the throne, and asked Gong Ziyu to pass the three-domain trial in the back mountain. The time he gave was one month. Elder Yue pointed out that it took three months for Gong Shangjiao to pass the Trial of the Three Realms, so Gong Shangjiao changed the time. As long as Gong Ziyu passed the Trial of the Three Realms within three months, he would hold the blade for his successor. No more objections.

The elders thought that the current Blade Holder didn’t need to participate in the Three-Region Trial, but Gong Shangjiao insisted on his own opinion. Gong Ziyu felt that this was an opportunity to prove himself, so he agreed to Gong Shangjiao’s request. After Gong Ziyu left, Gong Shangjiao reported to the elders the content of the conversation with Zhiren and the young master the night before his departure. The young master told Zhiren that he found a secret letter on Zheng Nanyi, which mentioned He arrived at the supreme secret of the Gong family, Wuliu Huo, and then sent him out of the palace to investigate.

With the assassin’s token, Gong Yuanzheng was cleared of suspicion. Gong Shangjiao took him out of the dungeon. Gong Shangjiao guessed that someone deliberately placed the Wufeng token in Manager Jia’s room. That was not the case. Helping Gong with his expedition was actually harming him.

Then Gong Shangjiao sent his younger brother to pick up Shangguan Qian. Just in time, Gong Ziyu also came to pick up Yun as a shirt. Shangguan Qian turned back halfway and said he wanted to pick up something for Gong Shangjiao. He used wax to protect it, fearing that Gong Shangjiao She would poison herself, and she also asked Yun Weishan to go back and check if there was anything left behind. Yun Weishan understood, so he asked Gong Ziyu to go back and check.

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