My Journey to You (2023) 云之羽 Episode 4 Recap & Review

Episode 4: Gong Shangjiao openly challenges Gong Ziyu

Both Shangguanqian and Yun Weishan were poisoned by Fugu, and if they did not send out valuable information within half a month, they would not be able to get the corresponding antidote. Yun Weishan deliberately released the river lantern to cover Shangguanqian. Yun Weishan told Gong Ziyu that she didn’t want to stay in this place, and begged him to let her go. She also told Gong Ziyu about her experience, saying that her father never came back after going out to sea, and she let the river lantern go I just want to express my thoughts.

Gong Ziyu saw the words written on the river lantern, revealing how he missed his father, so he believed it, and took out a handkerchief and handed it to Yun Weishan and said a few words of comfort. The relationship between the two seemed to be much closer , he asked Yun Weishan to change his name to Master Yu, as he seemed to be still not used to the name Zhibian.

Gong Ziyu asked about Yun Weishan’s poisoning last night, Yun Weishan said that she just had a rash on her face, and it was because she drank a cup of tea at Shangguanqian’s place, and Shangguanqian took it for her later Her face recovered after the ointment. Gong Ziyu became suspicious after hearing this, so he took Yun Weishan back to the female guest to further verify.

Seeing Yun Weishan and Gong Ziyu appearing together, everyone looked suspicious. Gong Ziyu immediately explained that he needed Yun Weishan’s help to deal with something, and then he immediately ordered people to seal off the entire courtyard and conduct a comprehensive search . Jin Fan found the tea in Shangguan’s shallow room and a bottle of powdered medicine from Miss Song Si. Miss Song said it was the medicine she brought from home because she suffered from asthma.

The poison was mixed into the medicine, because only in this way could the suspicion between her and Shangguan Qian be eliminated. Gong Ziyu asked someone to mix the powdered medicine into water, and Song Si drank it without hesitation. After a while, a rash appeared on her face, which proved that she poisoned Yun Weishan and Miss Jiang suspicion.

Although the fourth girl of the Song Dynasty repeatedly explained that she had been framed, she was still kicked out of the palace for taking drugs privately. Because Shangguan Qian was not in another courtyard, Gong Ziyu ordered people to find Shangguan Qian’s whereabouts. Besides, he still had something to ask. ask her. On the other side, Shangguan Qian came to the medical clinic with the intention of looking for Gong Shangjiao, but was stopped by Gong Yunzheng.

She said that she did not accept Gong Ziyu as the swordsman, and this position should belong to Gong Shangjiao. Before she finished speaking, Gong Shangjiao came out from one side, and he had a good impression of Shangguan Qian. After Shangguan Qian returned to the other hospital, she was questioned by Gong Ziyu. She said that the tea was brought in after being inspected by the guards, and the ointment to treat the rash was brought in by herself. Gong Ziyu did not care too much and let her Hand over the remaining ointment for inspection.

Although it is temporarily safe, for the sake of long-term planning, Yun Weishan came to Shangguanqian’s room in the middle of the night. After the two conspired, they should try their best to show a hostile state, because their tasks were different, and they had a relationship with Gong Ziyu and Gong Shangjiao respectively. Well, the two of them are incompatible with each other, so they have to fight against each other, so that they can act better.

Gong Zishang was quite fond of Jin Fan, she followed Jin Fan to the clinic, and teased him in various ways, at this time, Jin Fan smelled the strong smell of herbs, he and Gong Zishang came to the backyard, just in time to see the pharmacy manager He and his servants were burning the wrong medicinal materials, Jin Fan searched for the remaining medicinal materials, and saw a bag with the word Ling written on it, he immediately took it back and showed it to.

Gong Ziyu for inspection, Gong Ziyu suspected that someone had replaced it My father and brother’s Angelica dahurica herb tea, but he didn’t know much about the pharmacology, so he needed to find someone who was familiar with the pharmacology to identify it.

According to the rules of the palace gate, after the death of the father, one needs to observe filial piety for three years and not get married, but because the palace gate may not choose brides from the rivers and lakes for a period of time after this accident, so the elders decided to let Zhiren choose from these brides. To choose, Gong Shangjiao is not young anymore, and he can also choose from them. Gong Ziyu jokingly said that Gong Shangjiao’s vision is so high, doesn’t he care if he picks the rest? It’s good for Shangguan Qian to stay.

Not long after, both Yun Weishan and Shangguanqian were taken to the Blade Holder Hall. It was no surprise that they were selected by Gong Ziyu and Gong Shangjiao, but Gong Shangjiao made a request that shocked the two. portraits of the two, and then sent people to their hometowns to verify their identities.

Then, Gong Shangjiao expressed his attitude to the elders, dissatisfied with Gong Ziyu’s election to hold the sword, Gong Zishang came forward to defend Gong Ziyu, but Gong Shangjiao questioned Gong Ziyu’s blood relationship as an excuse. When there was a conflict with Gong Yuanzheng, he also slapped the two of them each. Gong Ziyu suffered from being dumb, and he secretly fought to bring this scene back.

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