My Journey to You (2023) 云之羽 Episode 3 Recap & Review

Episode 3: Miyako Yu succeeds to the throne as the new Blade Holder

Miss Jiang already had a sweetheart before she came to the palace, but she had to participate in the bride selection due to family pressure. She was very resistant to this marriage. The three chatted for a while, and Yun Weishan put it in Miss Jiang’s teacup.

He bought some medicine and watched her drink it. Early the next morning, the news of Miss Jiang’s murder came out. The guards immediately blocked the investigation. All the brides were called outside the house, but Yun Weishan was the only one who disappeared. Shangguanqian saw Yun Weishan hiding in black. On the roof, she winked and told her to go hide in her room.

Afterwards, Shangguanqian asked the guards if they were looking for Yun Weishan. After getting a positive answer, she said that Yun Weishan had a contagious rash on her face, so she stayed in her room all the time. Shan immediately understood Shangguanqian’s intention, she quickly drank the medicine she carried with her, then undressed and got under the quilt. The guards immediately entered Shangguanqian’s house to check.

Although they saw the red rash on Yun Weishan’s face, the leader of the team lifted the quilt to check, and they saw Yun Weishan with his back naked, so they apologized then leave. Shangguanqian handed the prepared antidote to Yun Weishan. If she didn’t take it again, I’m afraid her face would really be scarred. Yun Weishan guessed that she might also be Wufeng’s person, so he said the secret code, After questioning, she was somewhat surprised to learn that Shangguan Shangguanqian was actually a Mei level higher than herself.

There was a sudden change in the palace gate, and the entire palace gate was shrouded in a chilling atmosphere. Gong Ziyu was called to the palace gate elders’ courtyard, and the elders told him directly that his father Gong Hongyu and elder brother Gong Huanyu died in an accident. Gongmen stipulates that Gong Ziyu will inherit the position of blade holder when the rule of absentee succession is activated. Such a change and sudden succession made it difficult for Gong Ziyu to accept for a while.

According to the regulations, the person who is selected to hold the sword at the palace gate must have a cipher text tattooed on his back, and the significance of this position is self-evident, his future will be locked with the palace gate. Born in the gate, must also die for the palace gate, while enduring the pain of tattooing, Gong Ziyu recalled what he said when he rubbed his father’s back when he was a child, and couldn’t help crying.

Gong Yunzheng heard that Zhibian and his young master passed away at the same time, and Gong Ziyu took over the position of Zhibian. He was very unhappy because his brother Gong Shangjiao was ranked before Gong Ziyu. The elder patiently explained the reason. Gongmen You can’t be without a master for a day. If the leader and the next heir die at the same time, you must activate the regulations to fill the vacancy. Now Gong Shangjiao is not within the palace gate. Only Gong Ziyu meets the conditions, so the elders unanimously made this decision. Decide.

It was snowing heavily, as if expressing sorrow for his father and brother. After the funerals of Gong Hongyu and Gong Huanyu, Gong Ziyu sat in front of the house, recalling every bit of being with his father and brother, although his father always treated him He is very strict, but he still loves him very much from the bottom of his heart. Now that we are separated forever, Gong Ziyu is very depressed.

After Jin Fan saw this scene, he came over to persuade him that everything had to look forward, and Gong Ziyu slowly settled down. Although he didn’t care about the position of holding the blade, he could rely on this position to investigate clearly. The truth about the murder of father and brother.

Gong Ziyu learned that Mingwuji was the last person to see his father, so he went to ask in the name of greetings. Mingwuji said that she was warming tea for Gong Hongyu and his son in the study last night, and then someone arrested him. The Wufeng Assassin was brought over, she went out to evade, and after a while, she saw three people fighting in the room, and then the lights were all turned off, she called the guards but no one answered, so she went into the room to check and found that all three were dead.

After hearing this, Gong Ziyu went to check with the guards, and learned that it was his elder brother who brought Wufeng Assassin to his father. He suspected that there was a ghost on the female assassin, so he turned to check the female assassin’s belongings and found her hairpin There was some residual poison on the bed, but Gong Ziyu did not believe that she killed her father and brother with her ability. Jin Fan told Gong Ziyu about the poisoning of Miss Jiang and Yun Weishan. Guest accommodation inquiries.

In such an environment, Yun Weishan and Shangguanqian are tantamount to a non-aligned alliance. The two must communicate with each other and help each other. Shangguanqian learned from Yun Weishan that Zhiren and the young master were killed. She thought it was Yun Yun Weishan knew what was on Weishan’s hands. She was worried that she would be exposed because she was afraid that she would be involved.

Shangguan Qian simply ordered Yun Weishan not to act rashly. Last time she poisoned Miss Jiang, I almost messed up my plan, so I immediately washed the Kou Dan off my hands so as not to be discovered by the people at the palace gate.

Gong Ziyu checked Miss Jiang’s condition, and learned from the doctor whether the poison his father and brother were poisoned had anything to do with Miss Jiang’s poison. He Deng, which aroused Gong Ziyu’s suspicion, he and Jin Fan separately searched for the person who put the river lantern, but Gong Ziyu found Yun Weishan, and Yun Weishan even fought with him.

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