My Journey to You (2023) 云之羽 Episode 1 Recap & Review

My Journey to You (2023) 云之羽 Episode 1 Recap & Review

Episode 1: Yun Weishan fakes his identity and sneaks into the palace gate

The murderous organization Wu Feng the world is getting stronger and stronger, and almost no one dares to fight against it, except the Gong family. Because of this, Wu Feng waits for an opportunity to sneak into the palace and achieve the goal of complete eradication. Yun Weishan was a chess piece of Wu Feng, who was ordered to pretend to be a bride to enter the palace gate and perform espionage missions. As the person in charge of training Yun Weishan, Jackdaw Si was responsible for the meticulous training work, because the palace gate was strictly guarded. A little carelessness will fall short.

While training Yun Weishan on the abilities that a lady should have, Jackdaws introduced the overall situation of Gongmen. The restraints of Wu Feng and Wu Feng are even more like water and fire. The palace family is divided into Shang Palace, Jiao Palace, Zheng Palace, and Yu Palace. These four palaces control the power of the family. The elders will not directly participate in the management of the family but will come forward to make decisions when encountering major events. The four palaces have a clear division of labor. The Horn Palace is in charge of external affairs, intervening in Jianghu affairs, and responsible for the family’s business dealings; the business palace specializes in weapon manufacturing; The blade comes from Yu Gong.

The female assassins in Wufeng are divided into four levels: demons and demons. Yun Weishan is just the lowest-level of assassin and has little combat experience, so Jackdaw Si devoted all his efforts to training her. He tells Yun Weishan that after entering the palace, She can’t trust anyone, and after executing this mission, Yun Weishan can break away from Wu Feng and live the life she longs for. Such a temptation is irresistible to Yun Weishan, and she accepts this mission very firmly.

The palace gate’s marriage selection was specially prepared for the young master. Girls of the right age were selected from famous families with a certain status in the world, and the young master made the selection. Jackdaw Si and Yun Weishan found relatively unknown families and then took their place. His identity was mixed into the palace gate. Jackdaw Si asked Yun Weishang to remember clearly that he came from Lixi Town. Facing Yun Weishang who was about to leave, Jackdaw Si was a little reluctant to leave. He hesitated to speak. Leader Wu Feng’s order appeared in his mind. He ordered Jackdaw Qi to release news to the palace that one of the brides selected for marriage this time would be an assassin named Wufeng, but he couldn’t tell it, so he just told Yun Weishan to be careful.

Gong Ziyu is the second son who holds the sword now, because the light of the young master is covering him, he seems to be doing nothing all day long, wandering around the fireworks and willow alley, and holding the sword can’t do anything about him, because his mother passed away early, and the sword holding is too much. in discipline. Gong Ziyu is actually very thoughtful, and all his skills are just useless for the time being.

Han Yaqi brought people to a pharmacy serving the palace gate. Seeing that the visitor was not friendly, the shopkeeper activated his hidden weapon to deal with him, but he was not Han Yaqi’s opponent, and was knocked down by him and passed out. In fact, Han Yaqi knew that the shopkeeper deliberately pretended to be dead to escape the catastrophe, so he deliberately released the news, saying that there was a Wufeng assassin among the brides. In his ears, after Jackdaw Qi took the people away, the shopkeeper quickly stood up, briefly treated the wound, and then quickly returned to the palace gate to report the news.

On the way, the shopkeeper met Gong Ziyu who wanted to go back. He told Gong Ziyu the news about the Wufeng assassin among the brides at the wedding ceremony and then fainted. Gong Ziyu immediately ordered people to rescue him. The shopkeeper then discussed with Jin Fan whether he should tell his father and brother about this matter. What he was worried about was that if his father knew about this matter, he would probably get rid of all the candidate brides, and many innocent people would be implicated.

After returning to the valley, after thinking twice, Gong Ziyu decided to tell his elder brother Gong Huanyu about the matter in advance and discuss the countermeasures with him. Unexpectedly, his father was there, so he had to tell the truth. Unexpectedly, his father really wanted to send all the brides to Kill them all, Gong Ziyu stepped forward to persuade him, but his father had already made up his mind. In desperation, Gong Ziyu had to find another way.

All the brides who were candidates came to the palace gate by boat in their wedding clothes. They thought they were lucky to have the opportunity to marry into such a wealthy family. Unexpectedly, they were caught by the guards and imprisoned as soon as they landed. Standing on the city wall After seeing this scene, Gong Ziyu felt a little uncomfortable. Faced with such a situation, Yun Weishan seemed very calm, because she had experienced this kind of temper when she was Wu Feng, fighting each other in the quagmire, and only the winner had a chance to survive. Now she was faced with such a situation again.

Gong Ziyu decided to let these brides go. Regardless of whether there were Wufeng assassins among them, most of them were innocent. He remembered a secret passage that could lead to the outside of the valley, so he sent the brides away on the pretext of taking everyone to test the medicine. They took them away and then sent them to the secret passageway to let everyone escape, but they were stopped by Gong Yuanzheng.

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