My Flame Blue (Tong Yan Jiang Shaoyang)

My Flame Blue (Tong Yan Jiang Shaoyang)

Novel: My Flame Blue, 我的火焰蓝(童颜蒋少阳)

Type: Modern Romance

Author: monster truck z

Character: Tong Yan Jiang Shaoyang

Do you like to read novels classified by modern romance? Don’t miss a new book “My Flame Blue” by Monster Truck z. The highlights of the story are as follows: “Hello, please help me with Dr. Cai’s expert number, thank you!” Tong Yanmao handed the medical record book to the registration window of the People’s Hospital of C City. “I’m sorry, Dr. Cai is not at work today.

Do you need to register another doctor for you?” the registered nurse asked politely. What? Not working? Traveling long distances from school to the city by car to see a doctor, but the doctor doesn’t work? “If you don’t hang up, just go.” Tong Yan was stunned for a moment, but the man behind her roughly pushed her away, shouting incessantly.

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The Mysterious Badge of the Forgotten Kingdom: I read it while standing in the Xinhua Bookstore when I was in elementary school. Now I don’t know how to support the author except for the collection of books. After all, this is the first fantasy that made my heart flutter.

Fate of Immortal Mansion: The Fate of Immortal Mansion changed its name to the Fate of Immortal Mansion

Baojian: I wrote headless things, all kinds of ignorant and stupid

my flame blue

Chapter 1 Registration

“Hello, please help me with Dr. Cai’s expert number, thank you!” Tong Yanmao handed the medical record book to the registration window of the People’s Hospital of C City.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Cai is not at work today. Do you need to register another doctor for you?” the registered nurse asked politely.

What? Not working? Traveling long distances from school to the city by car to see a doctor, but the doctor doesn’t work?

“If you don’t hang up, go to the side if you don’t.” Tong Yan was stunned for a moment, but the man behind her roughly pushed her away and kept shouting.

Looking at the long queue, Tong Yan felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart. She left her hometown to study in an unfamiliar city. Usually, she just immersed herself in studying and seldom left the school. Out of the school gate to the city to see a doctor.

“Little girl, do you want to hang up Dr. Cai’s expert number too?” When Tong Yan was still wondering whether to queue up again, a woman in the line suddenly asked.

“Yes, I heard that Dr. Cai is more authoritative.” Tong Yan answered the woman’s question without being wary of strangers.

“I also want to get Dr. Cai’s number, who knows that he doesn’t work. But I just called to ask, Dr. Cai is in another district today, and it can be reached by bus five stops from here. I’ll go there now, you Do you want to be together?” the woman asked.

Tong Yan thought that she couldn’t make a trip to the city in vain, and followed the woman on the bus. The bus shuttled through the bustling city. Slowly, the vehicles on the road became scarce, and there were not so many pedestrians.

At this time, the bus slowly stopped, and the car sounded “Guanyin Pavilion, here it is. Passengers who have got off the bus, please get off the bus at the back door.” The woman sitting next to it suddenly said, “It’s here.”

The woman enthusiastically pulled Tong Yan, who had yet to respond, and got out of the car, walked towards a clinic, and introduced as she walked: “Experts like Dr. Cai usually earn extra money here when they are not working. It can make a lot of money. I’ll look at it in a while, you wait outside. “

Tong Yan looked at the clinic, it was small and not bright. Maybe it was because of the meal time, there was no one in the clinic to see a doctor, only a woman in her 40s was sitting at the cashier, looking like a lady boss.

The stairs of the clinic are damp but fairly clean. The legendary Doctor Cai sits in the attic. The small attic is divided into two, one of which is sitting with a fat man in his 60s, and the other is empty.

The woman who led the way in the consultation room told Dr. Cai about her symptoms from time to time, and Dr. Cai nodded from time to time when she felt the pulse. It didn’t take long for the woman to come out with the prescription that Dr. Cai had prepared.

“I’m fine, go downstairs to get the medicine first, I’ll wait for you downstairs.” The woman said to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan nodded, got up and walked into the consultation room. Sitting in the consultation chair, Dr. Cai took his pulse and asked some questions, which Tong Yan answered truthfully. Dr. Cai opened the prescription again.

“I gave you five days of medicine, a total of 1,118 yuan, and you can pay for the medicine downstairs.” Dr. Cai handed the prescription to Tong Yan and said.

What? More than 1,000 medicines for five days? This medicine is an elixir trained by Taishang Laojun. Can it be cured immediately after taking it? Tongyan immediately became vigilant when she heard the doctor say that she wanted so much money, suspecting that she had encountered a liar.

“Doctor Cai, the money I brought may not be enough to prescribe the medicine for five days.” Tong Yan thought about it a little and immediately refused.

“How much money did you bring? If you don’t have enough money, you can call your classmates to bring it.” Hearing that Tong Yan didn’t want Dr. Cai’s face, it looked a little scary.

“Then I’ll go downstairs and call my classmates.” Tong Yanji lied about calling his classmates, thinking about going downstairs and leaving.


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