Mr. Queen 철인왕후 Episode 12 Recap

Mr. Queen 철인왕후 Episode 12 Recap

Jin Bingren was about to kill Zhezong. He quibbleed him with all kinds of sophistry and the tricks were fatal. But he was subdued by Zhezong. Zhezong didn’t say much, so he went back to the palace and changed his clothes. Zhao Huazhen shot an arrow at Jin Surong, and the arrow whizzed past her ears, piercing the tree behind, Jin Surong was frightened.

Zhao Huazhen insisted that Jin Surong sent someone to kill Hongyue. Jin Suyong denied that she suspected that someone deliberately planted and framed their relationship, but Zhao Huazhen didn’t believe it at all, and Jin Surong stopped explaining, and hurried by pretending to be an animal palace lady. After Zhao Huazhen shot her, Hong Xinxiang and others rushed to the palace. Jin Surong returned to the palace with them. Zhao Huazhen shot Jin Surong’s head with an arrow tied with a cotton swab. Jin Surong did not show weakness, bowed the bow and shot Zhao Huazhen with an arrow.

At the end of the hunting competition, Jin Surong won first place, and Princess Zhao was reluctant to present her with an award. Kim So-yong took Honglian and Cui Sanggung back to attend the Dragon Boat Festival, and saw the sneaky Mr. Han again. Kim So-yong sent Cui Sanggung to inquire about Mr. Han’s identity. The more she thought about it, the more things were wrong, she suspected that Mr. Han went to the water. When the poison was poisoned in the tank, he took Honglian to guard the tank.

Zhe Zong quietly came to find the chef. The chef had already prepared everything he needed. Zhe Zong just wanted to leave. Jin Su Rong came out from behind the water tank. Zhe Zong rushed back to attend the banquet and greeted her and left in a hurry. Jin Surong suddenly saw a little chef running out of it, covering his stomach with both hands. Jin Surong went in and found that the chefs all had such symptoms, and he was even more certain that Mr. Han had poisoned the tank.

Cui Sanggong followed the Han room to grow out of the palace. The grocery store owner recognized her and asked her to go in to see the new gadgets. Cui Sanggung wanted to go in, but was worried about following Mr. Han, she had to leave first. When there was a burly man washing with cold water on the side of the street, Cui Shanggong felt that he was exactly the same as the picture of the kaleidoscope, and was stunned on the spot. Seeing the man’s solid arm, Cui Sanggong was filled with infinite impulse. She just wanted to leave and was caught by Mr. Han on the spot. Cui Sanggong lied that he was chasing the man in the kaleidoscope and dispelled Mr. Han’s suspicion. .

Jin Huan was obsessed with Hong Lian. He saw Hong Lian coming from a distance. He wrote a note and asked Tan Yang to send it to Hong Lian. Master Zhao passed by. Tan Yang mistakenly thought that he was sending a letter to him. Master Zhao followed the note. When he came to the pavilion to see Jin Huan, Jin Huan was dumbfounded. Master Zhao mistook him for a prank and gave Jin Huan a lesson. The imperial doctor rescued the chefs and suspected that someone had poisoned them. The chef was very anxious. Suyong Jin Suyong suddenly dressed as a man and came to the imperial kitchen to help with cooking. She was curious to see the fresh vegetables the chef picked from the inner farm. Asked the question. ,

The chef brought Zhe Zong’s menu and the list of people attending the banquet. Jin Suyong peeled a large potato with a flower knife, then skewered it on iron tongs, and finally fried it in a frying pan. The chef brought a large pot of potatoes, Honglian, the imperial physician, Cui Shanggong, Tan Yang and others all called to help scrape the skin and cut flowers. The banquet officially began. The first dish served by the court ladies turned out to be fried potatoes. They were dissatisfied with the feeding, but Zhe Zong praised this dish as very special. The civil and military officials and concubines in the harem had to pick them up and taste it, but the fried potatoes were delicious. It was delicious, they took a big bite, and Zhezong let them eat with various jams beside them.

Jin Su Rong led everyone to continue cooking. The second course was steak burger and stuffed tomatoes. Everyone feasted and praised this dish. Immediately afterwards, Jin Surong made fruit juice pear paste. After the Queen Chunyuan finished eating, she found that the sign read “One more”. She couldn’t close her mouth happily. The official next to her hurriedly checked, but unfortunately she did not win the prize.

Cui Shanggong returned to Jin Suyong. She had found that the head of Han was named Han Shimeng. Jin Suyong went to find Han Shimeng despite her obstruction. Cui Shanggong fainted with a sudden abdominal pain, so the chef hurriedly carried him to the royal doctor. . Hong Biejian found that an eunuch was suspicious, so he chased him, because there were too many people outside the palace, and he was quickly lost.

Cui Shanggong woke up quickly, and she hurriedly got up to look for Jin Surong. Kim So-yong returned to the banquet, and Zhezong publicly announced that the civil and military officials would start to reduce meals from now on, and that singing and dancing performances that would hurt the people and money were not allowed. Kim Zuo-geun stood up to protest. Kim Byung-in captured many guards from the guards. , Zhezong was dumbfounded, Jin Zuogen threatened Zhezong and ordered him to disband the Guards. Zhezong was forced to give Jin Zuogens punches.

Zhezong walked up to the altar in despair, tearing up a few incense, he just finished reading his wish, the incense has been burned out, the incense burner suddenly exploded violently, Zhezong was blown out far, Jin Surong desperately wanted to rush up to save people. Being dragged by someone, the scene suddenly became chaotic.


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