Mr. Fighting Episode 30

Mr. Fighting Episode 30

Hao Zeyu justsent Fuzi home, and then called Bai Jiaojiao. Bai Jiaojiao was very sympathetic to Hao Zeyu’s experience. He told him a lot of words to comfort him, let him talk to himself. Hao Zeyu came to find Bai Jiaojiao, Yan Rujing was also on the scene, and wanted to dig Hao Zeyu from the beautiful hand of Niu . Hao Zeyu did not understand, but also installed silly on the side.

In Fujia, Niumei and Fuzi are discussing Hao Zeyu’s future plans. Although Hao Zeyu’s box office is not ideal, the heat is always there. Wang Dao is cool here, but there are still a few small scripts to find him to film. Fuzi sternly told Niu Ma that they are different in the past. Now they have the initiative. Everything should be based on Hao Zeyu. At this time, Wang Dao called and informed Hao Zeyu to audition. For the good news from the sky, Fuzi and Niumei are very happy, but Hao Zeyu is not willing to go.

After all, the last interview was quite uncomfortable. Niu Mei advised Hao Zeyu not to have general knowledge with Wang Dao. Wang Dao is for the sake of play, so he chose some very good means. Hao Zeyu should not go through the opportunity. Fuzi Dad thought that this matter had to listen to Hao Zeyu. Fuzi recently reflected on himself and advised Hao Zeyu to give her a chance to audition. Hao Zeyu was determined not to go. After he ran out, Fuzi chased it out. Fuzi knew that Hao Zeyu was not happy in his heart, but this opportunity was very important for them, so he had to persuade him. As a result, the two had a big fight. Fuzi said that he had done a job on the Internet to Hao Zeyu as a water army. She took a few big nights and posted it on Weibo, and all she could do. Today, Fuzi has nothing to do, she has to resign. Hao Zeyu looked at the back of Fuzi’s anger and left, and his heart was very depressed.

After the return of Fuzi, he informed Niu beautiful resignation. Niu Ma repeatedly asked Fuzi to think about it. At this time, Fuzi was on the spur of the moment, saying nothing, and insisting on resigning. Calm and a little calm, Hao Zeyu knew that he was heavy, and he came to apologize with Fuzi, but Fuzi refused to listen to Hao Zeyu’s explanation and even turned him away. Hao Zeyu’s situation is completely different from the past. Although the box office is not good, but after all, it is a small flow of students. Fuzi and Niumei can’t keep up with his footsteps. Therefore, since Fuzi decided to resign now, they should respect her thoughts. As for regrets or decisives, After the words. Hao Zeyu looked helplessly at the room of Fuzi, turned his head and called Yan Rujing. Yan Rujing is a professional agent, and naturally has more say in this area.

Fortunately, Fuzi had a headache for her work. At first she was just a mall promoter. Because of the shortage of cattle and cattle, this came to be the agent of Hao Zeyu. But now they are parting ways, and they are willing to become a liver and lung. Fuzi believes that he is not obligated to do it. . Niu Ma knew that Fuzi was wronged, and he didn’t say anything more. Then he took Fuzi’s dad to eat at the Western Restaurant. Fuzi Dad knows that Niu Mei is arrogant and wants to persuade him to go back to work, and he yells and rejects her.

Fuzi’s education is not high, and he has found the front desk work after many twists and turns. Fuzi Dad asked Fuzi to come back to school and mixed out a diploma. He was decisively rejected by Fuzi. In the morning, Fuzi is ready for a new round of interviews. After the end, he will prepare the documents of Hao Zeyu’s agent and wait for the handover. Hao Zeyu wanted to persuade the blessing to stay, but when he spoke to his mouth, he swallowed it back.


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