Mr. Fighting Episode 29

Mr. Fighting Episode 29

Late at night, Joy also because Haoze Yu ‘s remarks that feel remorse, she mistakenly thought the relationship between the two alienated, or even that Haoze Yu to buy their own cosmetics just trying to keep a distance from their own. Fuzi turned from a yellow-haired girl into a thoughtful assistant, and was dizzy for Hao Zeyu’s busyness. Fuzi tried his best for Hao Zeyu, but the gap between the two was deeper and deeper.

The next day, Fuzi Dad watched Fuzi staying up all night, and retired her for a busy night for Hao Zeyu. Fuzi did not care, sending his father to leave. Then Fuzi asked Fuzi to borrow money, saying that his clothes were too old and wanted to buy some beautiful clothes to wear. The blessing father of the loving woman naturally gave the money to Fuzi without saying anything. Then Fuzi came to the beautiful home of the cow to find her, let her give her salary next month.

Niu Ma refused to advance the work, and Fuzi had to use a three-inch tongue, which only persuaded the cow to advance the salary. Fuzi walked out of the room, and Fuzi Dad and Niu Meimei saw her strange, and sneaked into the room to find out. Fuzi found his privacy leaked and shouted at them. Fu Dad threatened her in the name of caring for the blessing, but Fuzi pointed out that he was not allowed to tell Hao Zeyu, otherwise he would be separated from him. Fuzi understands Hao Zeyu’s injustice, and the reason why he only makes him more recognized. Fu Da listened to some self-blame, gave the blessing some money, and let the beautiful woman turn his head and reimburse him.

In the evening, Zhao Xiaobei looked at the beautiful cows and asked for more. Niu Meimei will talk to him about his thoughts. Fuzi and Hao Zeyu are two people in the world, and Hao Zeyu and Bai Jiaojiao are people who eat the same bowl of rice. Naturally, they understand Hao Zeyu better than Fuzi, but there is no relationship between them. Comparable, this makes the cow mother feel embarrassed. Zhao Xiaobei asked her not to think too much, but also invited Niu Mei to go up and dance in the square dance to relax, and advised her not to push herself too tight. The cow is beautiful and can’t go to the heart of her heart, and I am embarrassed to go up. Zhao Xiaobei did not insist on it. He jumped up and looked up. Zhao Xiaobei, who looked at the dance beautifully, seemed to relax a lot.

Zhao Xiaobei came to the company to find Guan Shi poems, Guan Shi poetry warm hospitality, and then talked about Hao Zeyu’s business. Hao Zeyu’s film has been forced to go offline because the box office is too bad, but Guan Shishi is sure that he is sure to let Hao Zeyu maintain his heat with a bad film, and he is more capable of turning lazy comments into praise. Zhao Xiaobei understands Guan Shi’s poetry as a person, and ridicules her to do things based on interests, but she thinks that being a man still needs love.
The movie box office was too bad, and Hao Zeyu decided to withdraw from the entertainment industry because he could not accept the dispute. At this time, Wang Dao called and called Hao Zeyu to interview a new movie. Fuzi, Fuzi Dad and Niumei accompanied Hao Zeyu to audition, and Fuzi encouraged Hao Zeyu. In her heart, Hao Zeyu is the best.

Hao Zeyu went in for an audition, and several people in Fuzi were too nervous outside the door, waiting anxiously. Wang Dao is a well-known and well-known director in the film and television circle, so Hao Zeyu attaches great importance to this interview. Hao Zeyu showed up with a smile guide, but the director did not intend to let him play the show, but let him star in himself. Hao Zeyu mistakenly thought that Wang Dao wanted to see himself on the Internet and forced himself to commit crimes. In order to stimulate Hao Zeyu’s potential, Wang Dao took out the photos of Teng Dan and hit them in the face of Ze Yu. Zeyu suddenly filled his eyes with murderousness, put away his laughing face, went to the window and calmed down for a long time and returned to Wang Dao. Hao Zeyu was very disappointed with him.

At the beginning, Hao Zeyu respected him very much, but since Wang Dao did not know how to respect people, Hao Zeyu did not need to slap his cold ass. Hao Zeyu slammed him down and then turned and left. Wang Dao did not get angry when he saw this. Instead, he laughed hard and decided that Hao Zeyu was his own actor.

Hao Zeyu walked out of the room of Wang Dao, and Fuzi found that Hao Zeyu had a heavy heart. Ze Yu went straight through them, and Fuzi worried about Zeyu’s accident and secretly followed him. After the two went to the mall one after the other, Hao Zeyu burned the photo of Teng Dan. Fuzi looked at the frustrated Hao Zeyu and did not ask him what happened, but insisted on his position.

No matter what decision Hao Zeyu made, Fuzi would unconditionally support. she was. Hao Zeyu confided his thoughts and the blessings, saying that Teng Dan had passed away but he was still not peaceful. He felt that he was a bit disgusting. He was almost persuaded for a moment, but he was glad that he did not do so. Fuzi told Hao Zeyu that she had been instructed by the supervisor to lead Hao Zeyu when she made a mistake in the supermarket.

Fuzi took Hao Zeyu to the game hall and took him straight to the dance machine to release his emotions. The two recalled the memories of the first dance machine. At that time, Hao Zeyu, who lost weight, succeeded in losing weight with the help of Fuzi, so Fuzi thought that it was a lucky place for the two. After returning, Hao Zeyu sent Fuzi safely home. When Fuzi just entered the door, Hao Zeyu called Bai Jiaojiao.


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