Mess with Hundreds of Billions of Husbands: Dr. Xie, Good Night! Novel

Mess with Hundreds of Billions of Husbands: Dr. Xie, Good Night!
Associated Names: 错惹千亿老公:谢医生,晚安!/ Mess with hundreds of billions of husbands: Dr. Xie, good night! /
Author(s): Nanfengyu
Artist(s): N/A
Genre(s): Drama, Novel Online, Romance
Language: Chinese
Types: Novel
Year: 20xx
Status: Ongoing

Brief Introduction:

Romance writer “Nanfengyu”‘s original masterpiece “Wrong Husband with Hundreds of Billions: Dr. Xie, good night!” “is in hot serialization. The book takes Jiang Ning and Xie Jin as the protagonists.

The book mainly tells:

I have lived with my mother since childhood. For Jiang Ning, the mother is her everything and the motivation to live. She doesn’t want to lose her mother. For this reason, she provoked the big boss of Beicheng.

Everyone said that Dr. Xie Jin was cold and abstinent, just like the flowers of the high mountains that should not be played with. Only she knew that he was a gentle scum after being born, and he had no heart!

Knowing that the relationship between them was just a deal, Jiang Ning was still deeply involved. Finally, when Xie Jinbai Yueguang returned to China, the love she thought she had become a joke, and she left in embarrassment!

​”Wrong Hundred Billion Husbands: Doctor Xie, good night! [Trial Reading]:

Jiang Ning took the passbook and found Xie Jin.

Xie Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, and before she could speak, he bent down and opened the car door, signaling Jiang Ning to get in the car.

Rarely has he been so considerate to her.

Jiang Ning froze for a moment and was about to say no, but when she looked up and saw the man’s cold eyes, she knew that it was useless for her to refuse.

She followed into the car.

As soon as she entered, she felt a little uncomfortable. She deliberately avoided the co-pilot seat that she sat in that day, and chose the back seat of the car.

“Thank you, Doctor.” She finally spoke, bowed forward, and put the passbook on the central armrest, “This is the money to pay your medical expenses.”

Xie Jin glanced at it, “Miss Jiang still doesn’t intend to sell herself to me?”

Jiang Ning shook his head, “No plan.”

At the end, she added, “A man is unreliable.”

Xie Jin smiled instantly, it was the kind of smile that didn’t match his coldness, but he was so good-looking, it could cause countless ripples in an instant, like pear blossoms blooming all over the ground in spring, but it was full of energy The wind once again amazed Jiang Ning’s eyes.

Jiang Ning didn’t dare to look any further, and turned his head subconsciously, avoiding his solid back and the rolling Adam’s apple that could be vaguely seen…

The car was already driving slowly, and gradually drove out of the long and narrow street.

Jiang Ning was afraid that he would make his mother worry more if he didn’t go home for a long time, so he begged him not to go any further, and if he had anything to say, he could make it clear as soon as possible.

Xie Jin didn’t think there was anything unclear between them.

He glanced at the passbook, “I thought Ms. Jiang had something to say to me.”

I don’t know why, people’s aura always weakens in front of him. Jiang Ning couldn’t resist his aura, so he could only hold his hands tightly and said, “What I want to say is to pay back the money.”

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence, “As I said before, the medical expenses will be returned to you.”

Her voice was like a mosquito, and her long black hair hung down softly behind her head.

If Xie Jin hadn’t been plotted against by her, hadn’t seen her provoking Xu Zheng at school, plotting against their uncle and nephew, he would have really believed that she was a weak, brainless, stupid, sweet.

But in fact, she is neither stupid nor sweet.

Xie Jin’s car didn’t stop, and his slender hands drew a few arcs on the steering wheel, “I heard that Ms. Jiang is the best in all subjects, and she has won scholarships in school all year round.”

He didn’t turn on the navigation.

Jiang Ning followed him for a few laps before realizing that he seemed to be taking her for a ride.

Jiang Ning nodded, “Yes.”

“Then you must know how to read.”

Jiang Ning nodded again, but this time, the nodding was a bit slow, and she heard Xie Jin’s words.

Sure enough, the man’s voice was clear and sarcasm, “Then Miss Jiang paid me back the dowry money today as a debt, is she trying to get me?”

Wrong Husband with Hundreds of Billions: Dr. Xie, good night!

Chapter 1

This was Jiang Ning’s first gynecological examination, and she was not as calm and relaxed as imagined.

Only shame.

Especially the thin air in the consulting room almost made her suffocate.

Beside him, a man in a white coat was holding tweezers to take samples.

As soon as the cold instrument touched her skin, she tightened it suddenly, “Don’t!”

She couldn’t pretend anymore, she hurriedly put on her clothes and staggered to her feet, “Doctor Xie, I’m fine.”

The man was not surprised, but rather careless.

The deep pupils looked her up and down, threw away the inspection tool slowly, and then called out her name.

“Jiang Ning.”

Jiang Ning froze, and was about to confess that she was his nephew’s ex-girlfriend, when he heard him say that it was on the 21st floor of Building 3 of Dijingyuan.

She was taken aback.

Then something unbelievable.

The person she tried so hard to seduce, just fell into the bait?

Xie Jin glanced at her, as if nothing had happened just now, only the pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose reflected her somewhat at a loss.

He is too abstinent.

Temperament and deserted.

It made her always feel ashamed and shameless in front of him, with nowhere to hide.

Helpless, she squeezed her satchel tightly and left the consulting room in a hurry. She didn’t dare to breathe out the long breath that was pressing on her chest until she got out of the hospital corridor.

His hand obviously didn’t really touch her.

Just wearing a white coat and standing in front of her with tools in hand, but her body seemed to have been ransacked.

In the end, it can only be attributed to Xie Jin’s outstanding coldness and dignity, and those extremely deep eyes.

He didn’t do anything, but he did everything.

Even at a glance, she could see her little thoughts.

Emperor View Garden…

This is a high-end residential area in Beicheng, where every inch of land is expensive.

Jiang Ning has passed by here many times, and he didn’t even have a chance to get close.

But now, she is about to spend a good night here with her own body.

Jiang Ning felt an indescribable sourness in his heart, but he obediently found the public duty list of the hospital, and rushed to the 21st floor of Building 3 before Xie Jin got off work.

At the door of the room, the man who took off his white coat and mask looked even more outstanding.

Jiang Ning was stunned for a while, until the door opened and she was dragged against the wall by someone’s slender waist in a daze, and she didn’t realize what happened.

It’s not that I didn’t think about regretting it.

It was her first time, and she was young and beautiful, so there was no need to date her for a scumbag, but her ex-boyfriend Xu Zheng bullied him too much.

Not only was her mother not allowed to see a doctor in the hospital, but she was also ordered not to be admitted to any hospital in Beicheng.

Her mother had just had a heart operation, and if she didn’t get follow-up diagnosis and treatment, all previous efforts would be wasted. Jiang Ning had no choice but to cling to the big shots, hoping that the famous special needs doctor Xie Jin, Xu Zheng’s little uncle, could help her.

Xie Jin has excellent medical skills and is the only son of the Xie family, so he holds a pivotal position in the hospital.

As long as he speaks, the mother can be treated again.

“You can choose to refuse.”

In a trance, the man’s cold voice came, and there was more unspeakable desire than when he was in the hospital.

Especially this face, which seemed to describe abstinence and sexiness to the extreme.

She won’t lose if she sleeps with him.

Jiang Ning closed his eyes and kissed his Adam’s apple.

Xie Jin just got off the operating table before he came back last night. There is no schedule for him this morning, so he is not in a hurry to go to the hospital.

It was nine o’clock in the morning when I woke up, the sun was shining all over the floor, and Jiang Ning was waiting by the bed wearing his shirt.

The woman’s legs were straight, and because of the intensity of last night, there were still traces of him on her snow-white skin.

He looked away calmly, “I won’t help you.”

The attitude is very clear, no denial, no responsibility.

Jiang Ning’s face paled instantly.

That’s right, he knew her name, indulged her seduction, and gave her home address, how could he know nothing about her.

His eyes can see through everything.

The matter about her and Xu Zheng had been raging for a long time, but he just didn’t point it out.

The first to flirt is cheap.

It was she who overestimated her worth, thinking that as long as she slept for one night, she would have the chance to make a deal with him.

But in fact, she is not that valuable, and it is not worth letting Xie Jin make his nephew feel unhappy for an outsider like her.

“But that’s a life.”

She looked at him, trying to exchange his status as a patient’s family member for a little sympathy from him as a doctor.

The man’s eyes were still cold, as if nothing had happened, “I want to do it next time, so I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

It means to let her come to find him at home.

She is not his type, but she has a good face and figure, and his body has been checked by him personally.

Clean and beautiful.

There is no need for him to refuse this kind of food delivered to his door.

Just as a relief after surgery.

Jiang Ning’s face turned red, and the emotion in his eyes changed from anticipation to bewilderment, to shock, and then to anger, “Xie Jin, you bastard!”

Xie Jin, “The door will not be delivered.”

She is not qualified to play temper in front of him.


After leaving the room, Jiang Ning was still wearing his shirt, showing his slender legs.

As soon as the autumn wind blows, I shiver with cold.

She was so aggrieved that she was about to cry, but she also understood that all of this was her own doing. From the very beginning, Xie Jin never gave her any promises.

It was her last resort to contact Xu Zheng again.

Maybe he had been waiting for her to bow her head and say, “Xu Zheng, even if I saw you cheating with my best friend with my own eyes, I wouldn’t be angry, let alone break up, but would ask you with a smile, Do you need me to serve you too?”

But she couldn’t say it.

The Jiang family was poor, and his father was violent, but Jiang Ning got all the love from his mother.

Her mother loved her like her life, and once stabbed her father with a knife because of her.

A woman who has been cowardly all her life is only brave when protecting her daughter.

She and Su Yulian are not only mother and daughter, but also miserable people who depend on each other.

If it wasn’t for his mother, Jiang Ning would have been beaten to death by his father long ago, let alone read so many books and see such a vast world.

For her mother, she should be able to do anything.

Jiang Ning bit her lip, restraining the mixed feelings in her heart, and dialed Xu Zheng’s phone.



As soon as Xie Jin entered the hospital, many people came over to talk to him. Most of the time, it was others who talked and Xie Jin listened.

“I heard that a new patient came to the outpatient clinic who just finished heart bypass surgery. Because he offended Mr. Xu, he was kicked out of the Second Hospital, and he was also refused treatment in our hospital.”

“By the way.” Someone said, looking at Xie Jin, “The family member of this patient seems to have been to your clinic yesterday. Her mother is sick like this, isn’t she worried?”

Of course Jiang Ning was worried, but she had no other choice. She was still busy selling herself to get her mother a chance to be hospitalized.

It’s a pity that she doesn’t have such a high social status.

Soon, a group of people passed by Jiang Ning’s mother, and a doctor couldn’t help but glanced at it, “It’s obviously the end of the battle, and if you don’t get follow-up treatment, I’m afraid it won’t last long.”

Xie Jin withdrew his gaze, looked down at his watch, his eyes were always indifferent, “It’s time to go to work.”


In the end, Jiang Ning found Xu Zheng.

He has promised to save her mother, but, “I, Xu Zheng, don’t do good things, Jiang Ning, you need to pay a price.”

Wrong Husband with Hundreds of Billions: Dr. Xie, good night!

Chapter 2

When Jiang Ning witnessed Xu Zheng’s cheating, he slapped him severely.

If it weren’t for that slap, my mother wouldn’t have been rejected by hospitals all over the city.

Jiang Ning had already offended him, and also deeply felt the power of the Xu family.

Under the absolute pressure of power, Jiang Ning, who came to Beicheng after gritting his teeth and studying hard in the county since he was a child, is not qualified to compete with Xu Zheng.

If you want to save your mother, she must be obedient.

Jiang Ning resigned, “You can call back.”

She raised her small face, and her clear almond eyes gleamed with water, which made people feel charmed at a glance.

At that time, it was because of these eyes that Xu Zheng pursued Jiang Ning in college.

Jiang Ning is not easy to chase, Xu Zheng insisted on it for three years, and finally got to be with her in his senior year.

But after being with her, Jiang Ning didn’t touch him, always saying that he would save it until he got married.

But Xu Zheng would not marry her.

He was just playing around with women of this background.

It’s a pity that Jiang Ning never understood. She thought that she and Xu Zheng were in love, until she saw Xu Zheng sleeping with her best friend.

“It’s so boring to beat you.” Seeing Jiang Ning like this, Xu Zheng felt his throat dry, “Come here to find me at night.”

He tossed her a business card.

Jiang Ning looked down, and it turned out to be the place he had just been to last night – the 21st floor of building 3 of Dijingyuan.

Did Xu Zheng know about her and Xie Jin?

Jiang Ning was subconsciously nervous, and squeezed the clothes tighter with her palms, but she heard him say, “Tonight, someone will go with me.”

If he dared to provoke the people around him, he would have to bear the consequences.

He wanted Jiang Ning to regret it, and asked her to kneel down and beg for mercy!

His eyes were too cruel for Jiang Ning to ignore.

She looked at him with embarrassment.

It’s not hard to guess what Xu Zheng meant. He wanted to… destroy her.

He wanted to trample on the innocence that Jiang Ning valued so much when he was in love with him.

The sun was shining outside, but she was bone-chillingly cold.

After all, I love the wrong person and find the wrong person.

What Xu Zheng wanted to do to her was in Xie Jin’s house. She didn’t believe that Xie Jin knew nothing about it!

Thinking of last night, she even had a good impression of Xie Jin at a certain moment, Jiang Ning felt that it was okay to be stupid.

What age.

It’s not like you have feelings when you sleep.

Especially for a man like Xie Jin, for him, no matter how good women are, they are just playthings, a pastime when they are bored, and they are the ones who pounce on them anyway.

In essence, there is no difference between Xie Jin and Xu Zheng.

Tonight, to go or not to go?

Jiang Ning came to the hospital during the battle between heaven and man.

Her mother, Su Yulian, has been placed in the hospital lobby by her. She had thought about using public opinion to force the hospital to accept her, but when she thought of her mother’s haggard face, if the public opinion were not controlled by her later, it would make her mother’s condition worse… Jiang Ning would not Dare.

“how’s it going?”

Su Yulian thought that Jiang Ning had gone to the chief physician, and seeing her coming now, she hurriedly asked about the hospitalization.

But seeing Jiang Ning’s complexion was not good and she didn’t answer her question for a long time, Su Yulian’s heart trembled, “Ning Ning, Mom is dead.”

She was holding Jiang Ning’s hand very rough, and when it stopped on Jiang Ning’s hand, it almost scratched Jiang Ning’s delicate hands.

When I was a child, my mother used these hands to protect her, and worked hard to make money for her to study.

Jiang Ning’s tears flowed down suddenly, and then wiped them away hastily, “Mom, what are you talking about, things are going well.”

She forced a smile on Su Yulian, “I’m just so happy. The doctor said that your operation was very successful, and you can start the follow-up treatment when you re-hook the water tonight.”

Su Yulian was also very happy, “Really?”

Jiang Ning nodded and said to his mother, “Really!”

After making the decision, Jiang Ning called Xu Zheng, “I’ll go find you tonight.”

“You’re smart.” Xu Zheng’s voice was full of unspeakable excitement, which made Jiang Ning shudder.

Fortunately, as soon as the phone was hung up, doctors and nurses came out to help them go through the admission procedures.

It seemed that Xu Zheng was very satisfied with this answer.

Jiang Ning laughed sarcastically, and the scenes of him pursuing her once flashed in his mind.

three years.

There can be several three years in life.

She had really thought that they would grow old forever.

But Xu Zheng said, anyway, everything is for fun, even when chasing her.

It was just a game, she should have woken up long ago.

Jiang Ning came to the bathroom, sank his face into the water, took a big breath, and expelled Xu Zheng from his mind, until when he was about to suffocate, he suddenly raised his head and took a deep breath.

“It’s dirty.”

In the ear, a faint voice came.

Just last night, she was deeply addicted to this voice.

But today, it was like slaps all over the face, slamming her awake.

She looked up, and it was Xie Jin.

He looked at her with obvious disdain.

He is too cold, too arrogant.

The anger that Jiang Ning had accumulated was wiped out in an instant, leaving nothing but helplessness in front of him.

Embarrassed and helpless.

Drops of water dripped down from her cheeks, wet her clothes, Xie Jin took another look, his expression of disdain even worse, “This is the only way you can use it?”

Jiang Ning froze for a moment before he understood what he was talking about.

She hastily zipped up her coat, her face burst into a thick red, as if she was about to bleed.

This appearance is very similar to last night, obviously knowing nothing, but still blushing and pretending to be a veteran.

Xie Jin looked away, “I have paid for the medical expenses.”

Treat it as the cost of last night.

She tried her best to appear in front of him again and again, so that he lost interest.

In a word, Jiang Ning’s face turned pale instantly.

She understood what Xie Jin meant, he was treating her as a paying lady.

A huge shame spread from the top of the head to the whole body, as if the blood stopped flowing at this moment, only obvious trembling.

She was so angry that her brain seemed to be shaking.

“Thank you Jin.”

She chased after him, wanting to tell him about Xu Zheng asking her to go to Dijingyuan tonight. Maybe she can also ask, will you give money tonight? How much are you going to give?

But as soon as she got out of the bathroom, following Xie Jin’s eyes, she knew she was wrong again.

How wrong.

It turned out that she went to the wrong bathroom.

In Xie Jin’s eyes, she was deliberately waiting for him just now.

Even getting wet on purpose.

In addition, Xie Jin is a bit of a clean freak. When he saw Jiang Ning soaking his face in the hospital basin, he said that sentence with a double meaning, “It’s really dirty.”

All the anger dissipated, only strong powerlessness hit, Jiang Ning bit his lip, “You go.”

Her life has become a mess.

She has no right to question anyone, let alone yell at Xie Jin.

The stumble on Xu Zheng was already big enough, she didn’t want to drag herself and her mother into the abyss again just when things started to improve.


Night fell.

Xu Zheng’s message came in, “It’s almost seven o’clock.”

It was accompanied by a picture, which was taken by Xu Zheng. Besides him, there were four other men present.

Jiang Ning turned pale, and replied with trembling fingers, “I will be there on time.”

Just, “Is Xie Jin here?”

Wrong Husband with Hundreds of Billions: Dr. Xie, good night!

Chapter 3

Xu Zheng didn’t take it seriously when he saw the message at first glance, but suddenly became very angry when he saw the second glance.

He called directly, “Jiang Ning, you promised to be with me, and you wanted to get close to my uncle from the beginning to the end?!”

No wonder I had to touch it.

It turned out that I just wanted him to touch it!

He said, he pursued Jiang Ning for three years, why she suddenly agreed.

Thinking about it now, the day Jiang Ning agreed was the day Xie Jin sent him to school.

Maybe, from the very beginning, she wanted to agree to be with him so that it would be convenient for her to get close to Xie Jin!

“Jiang Ning, tonight, you have suffered.”

Since she is so cheap, of course he wants to satisfy her!


Half an hour later, Jiang Ning came to Dijing Garden again.

Although she didn’t know what Xu Zheng was thinking, she could tell that Xu Zheng had misunderstood something. His mood was obviously much angrier than when they met in the morning.

Perhaps tonight, it would be a luxury for her to get out alive from here.

But if she doesn’t come, the mother will be expelled from the hospital again.

She has no way out.

Not long after, Jiang Ning rang the doorbell with trembling hands.

Someone dragged her in.

It’s Xu Zheng.

With red eyes, he trapped her in the corner of the door, and put his hands on her neck, “Jiang Ning! When did you hook Xie Jin?!”

The two got close.

He saw the traces on Jiang Ning’s body, and his eyes were full of hatred, as if he wanted to tear Jiang Ning down, “Answer me! Jiang Ning!”

Jiang Ning people are stupid.

She wanted to say that she didn’t hook him up, she wanted to say that she had nothing to do with Xie Jin.

Even if there is, it is only a relationship between paying and being paid.

But her neck was strangled by Xu Zheng, and she couldn’t say anything.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of her clothes being torn.

Even though she had been prepared for what happened tonight, at this moment, she still felt a kind of panic all over her body.

She grabbed his hand subconsciously, turned her head hard, “No…don’t…”

Don’t do this to her.

She once, really liked him.

The two can’t be a husband and wife, there is always a little bit of love in the past.

By doing this, Xu Zheng undoubtedly wanted to completely crush the past.

Xu Zheng has gone crazy.

What did he realize.

Jiang Ning, who had guarded himself in front of him for three years, actually slept with Xie Jin!

That Xie Jin who is only one year older than him, but always dominates him, always defiant!

He put Jiang Ning to sleep!

Xu Zheng’s qi and blood surged up, all his sanity disappeared, and his angry hands couldn’t even remove her clothes.

I could only call other people in the room to come over, “Hold her down!”

He wants Jiang Ning to know who is her man!

Who is the person she should ask for!

He’s gone crazy.

Jiang Ning had never seen such a violent side of Xu Zheng, but her limbs were pinned down, and she couldn’t do anything except panic.

Subconsciously wanted to curl up to protect himself, but he couldn’t even do this simple action.

With the clothes still on her body, she already has the shame of being stripped naked.

And last night, she was still here, and she had a relationship with Xie Jin at the position of the door.

Although he didn’t like her, it was her willingness.

Jiang Ning regretted it, she couldn’t give herself to Xu Zheng and let him lead others to ruin her.

Extreme panic filled the brain, and suddenly, Jiang Ning yelled.

“let me go!”

With tears in her eyes, she yelled, “I am Xie Jin’s woman! I am his girlfriend now! He even paid for my medical bills today! If you really did something to me, he will never let you go you!”

Xie Jin lives up to his name, he always burns others and warms himself.

In short, whoever makes him unhappy, he can directly burn the other party to ashes.

Xu Zheng had suffered a lot from him when he was a child, but later on, he developed an infinite awe of this little uncle in his heart.

But it was only on the surface, from the bottom of his heart, he had never been convinced.

But hearing Xie Jin’s name, Xu Zheng was still stunned.

Jiang Ning didn’t miss his hesitation, and continued, “Xu Zheng! From here to the end of this house is Xie Jin’s master bedroom. There are my clothes in the second cabinet in the master bedroom. If you don’t believe me, you can find them!”

Xu Zheng went.

When he came out, his face was ashen.

It would be fine if Jiang Ning simply slept with Xie Jin, but he even left her clothes here.

A man, especially a man like Xie Jin, would allow a woman’s clothes to stay at his house, which means that the relationship between the two is already extraordinary.

Jiang Ning was still shouting, “Xu Zheng, I really belong to Xie Jin, if you don’t believe me…”

Xu Zheng roared, “Shut up!”

He shouldn’t have chosen this address tonight.

It is true that the Dijing Garden belongs to Xie Jin, but Xu Zheng’s mother bought it for Xie Jin’s 18th birthday.

Xie Jin rarely came here, and Xu Zheng had the password here, so he chose this place.

I thought that if something really happened tonight, I could use this house to put it on Xie Jin’s head and make him unhappy.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ning was already with Xie Jin.

Xu Zheng glared at her, “Will he allow you to come over?”

Jiang Ning pretended not to understand what Xu Zheng called her here to do, and pretended to be calm, “If you don’t believe me, call him.”

Xu Zheng didn’t dare.

Jiang Ning was finally free.

After they all left, she sat on the ground, forgot to shed tears, only rejoicing.

Fortunately, I found Xie Jin yesterday.

Fortunately, Xie Jin did not participate in the matter of Xu Zheng asking her to come to Dijingyuan.

Even more glad to have worn his shirt this morning and left my own here.


Back at the hospital, Jiang Ning met Xie Jin again.

Unlike the tense moment when they met in the morning, she showed him a sincere smile.

“Thank you doctor.” Standing in front of him, Jiang Ning said with a firm expression, “I will work hard to make money to pay you back the medical expenses.”

Xie Jin didn’t even look at it.

He just walked past her indifferently.

The smile on Jiang Ning’s face froze instantly.

But she knew that her safety at this moment and the treatment her mother received at this moment were all because of this man.

And Xu Zheng is like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, once he finds out that she lied about her relationship with Xie Jin, he will come out and bite her even more crazily!

Therefore, even if Xie Jin ignores her, she still has to work hard to get in touch.

Jiang Ning adjusted his expression again, and hung up Xie Jin’s special number again.

In any case, she wanted to thank him sincerely first.

Unexpectedly, I just entered the door of the consulting room.

“go out.”

Xie Jin’s voice was as cold as ice, and he didn’t even lift his head, which made Jiang Ning even more embarrassed. She could only swallow the thanks in her mouth, and hurriedly said, “Doctor Xie, I’m here to see a doctor.”

As she spoke, she handed out the registration slip in her hand, which was added temporarily.

The nurse heard her talk about Xie Jin paying her medical bills, and guessing that the two had an unusual relationship, she gave her a plus note.

Xie Jin looked up, with undisguised disgust in his eyes.

Once a woman is entangled, she is no longer attractive.

Xie Jin raised his eyebrows, and looked at her coldly with deep eyes, “Miss Jiang, how did you feel when your mother looked down on illness?”

Jiang Ning was taken aback, not understanding what he meant.

“Don’t delay my patient’s coming for treatment.” Xie Jin warned, “This is the last time.”

In the future, if he adds signs casually like this, he will make her suffer more than the previous few days.

Jiang Ning quickly realized that he had disturbed his work, and quickly got up, “I’m sorry.”

She was reckless.

The fatigue of the past few days made her stagger when she got up too quickly, and when she stood still, she walked out of the door of the consulting room.

“Next.” Xie Jin pressed down on the caller and glanced at the door, vaguely seeing Jiang Ningying’s slender waist that could be held in his hands.

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