Mee Rice Recipe

Rice vermicelli (ข้าวเม่าหมี่) recipe to put various ingredients such as fried dried shrimp, hard tofu, shallots, peanuts. The secret to making it delicious is Everything must be crispy fried first and the peanuts must be roasted to smell good. to make the mao mee taste delicious.

This is a snack name or a snack Made with fried rice Mixed with crispy seasonings, there are fried dried shrimps, fried peanuts, fried tofu, sugar.


  • Khao Mao 1 kg.
  • 500g fried dried shrimp
  • 4 slices crispy fried firm tofu
  • Shallots, sliced, fried 100 g.
  • Roasted Peanuts 500 g.
  • 600 grams of granulated sugar
  • 160 ml of clean water
  • 7 grams of salt flowers


  1. Heat a pan, put oil in it. Warm up the hot oil already. put the rice deep fried Then scoop up and set aside to drain the oil.
  2. Wash the dried shrimp, remove the saltiness and remove any impurities. Set aside to drain, then adjust the heat to fry the oil to low heat, put the dried shrimps in the pan, fry until crispy, scoop up and prepare.
  3. Wash the tofu with clean water. Cut the alley into small pieces, put into the pan, fry over low heat until crispy, then scoop up.
  4. Slice the shallots, put them in the pan, fry them until they turn yellow and crispy, then set a new pan. no need to add oil Add roasted peanuts. roasted until fragrant
  5. Make rice mee by heating the pan and pouring water into it. Followed by granulated sugar and flower salt, stir to dissolve and simmer over low heat. Make the water thick and sticky
  6. Close to thick and sticky. Put rice mao into it, followed by fried tofu, fried dried shrimp, and mix well.
  7. Add fried shallots, roasted peanuts, mix well enough, then put them on a tray and leave to cool.

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