Meditation Activities Course at Wat Phradhatu Sri Chom Tong Voravihara Temple in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Phra That Sri Chom Tong Temple history

Wat Phradhatu Sri Chom Tong Voravihara is situated on a Holy Buddhist Site with a history dating back more than 2,500 years. The temple is a Royal Historic Treasure and means “Holy Relic Monastery on the Glorious Golden Hill”. Enshrined within the temple is the Holy Dakkhinamoli Buddha Relic. Wat Chom Tong follows the Theravada Buddhist tradition and teaches Satipatthana Vipassana (Insight Meditation based on the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness).

The Meditation Center at Wat Chom Tong was founded by Phra Ratchapromajahn (Ajahn Tong Sirimangalo) in 1992 and was the first Vipassana Meditation Center in Chiang Mai. Ajahn Tong is one of Thailand‘s most revered meditation teachers and is respected by religious leaders across many faiths around the world. Ajahn Thong Sirimangkhalo (Monk) is the current Abbot of the temple and also is the Principal of the Vipassana Meditation Center. So the center located at the base of Doi Inthanon in Chom Tong District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand; the temple is spread out over approximately 20 acres and is constantly expanding. It is a forest monastery complete with a Stupa, international meditation center, multiple meditation halls, dining halls with fully staffed kitchen, administrative offices, and sleeping quarters. source by

There are many Meditation course in the temple such as:

1. Foundation Course for 21 days of Meditation

Newcomers are recommended the 21-day Foundation Course in Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation as their first course. Meditation techniques include mindful prostration, 1-6 step walking meditation, sitting meditation based on the rising and falling of the abdomen, the sitting posture, points of the body, as well as contemplation of daily activities during consciousness.

The emphasis in this course is on learning the basic technique of recognition of the body, feelings, mind, and dhammas in the present moment. The course follows the sixteen stages of insight knowledge found in primary Buddhist texts and commentaries. Course content includes daily meetings with a teacher and regular group lectures. No previous experience is required.

2. Advanced Review Course – 10 days

The ten-day advanced review course is a compressed version of the foundation course. Meditators will meet with their teachers daily and receive instruction and guidance on their practice. Additional teachings include: stages of insight meditation and instruction on how to make resolutions to fully experience each stage in your progression. The emphasis in this course is on refining the knowledge gained in the foundation course, building confidence and familiarity in regards to the higher stages of insight meditation.

Way of practicing that in the temple provide meditation practice as Satipatthana Vipassana (Insight Meditation based on the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness).

If you are interest on this activities then you can make reservations at temple by calling at (053) 342184-6 or online at and best time to arrive from 8:00 -11:00 am. and 1:00 – 3:00 pm

How to get there:

By car:

  • from Chiang Mai city is either by Airport taxi from Chiang Mai International Airport to Wat Phrathat Si Chomtong about 900-1,200 Thai Baht.

By Bus:

  • Blue bus from South (Chiang Mai) Gate or Chiang Peuak bus station or a yellow songtaew (also from Chiang Mai Gate). Buses go directly from NE bus terminal, Bangkok, to Chom Tong Meditation Center every evening

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