Meaning Of Pulmonary Edema

Pulmonary edema or pulmonary edema.

It is a condition caused by an abnormally large amount of fluid in the air sacs of the lungs. As a result, patients have difficulty breathing or shortness of breath due to lack of oxygen. It can occur for many reasons, such as an abnormal heart, infectious pneumonia. Exposure to certain toxins or drugs, etc. The treatment will depend on the cause. which if acute pulmonary edema The patient should be treated urgently. because it could be life-threatening.

symptoms of pulmonary edema

There are many types of pulmonary edema. The symptoms will vary as follows:

Symptoms of chronic pulmonary edema

  • Shortness of breath while doing various activities
  • wheezing or wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing when exerting yourself or difficulty breathing when lying down
  • Waking up in the middle of the night due to difficulty breathing This may require sitting up to make breathing easier.
  • Rapid weight gain if caused by a heart attack
  • Tiredness or swelling in the legs and feet

Symptoms of acute pulmonary edema

  • Severe shortness of breath or difficulty breathing when lying down
  • panting or feeling like drowning
  • wheezing or trouble breathing
  • restless, confused, worried
  • cough with pink foamy sputum
  • Chest pain if caused by heart disease
  • palpitations, fast heartbeats

However, if found to have symptoms of acute pulmonary edema Should seek immediate medical attention. Because if not treated promptly, it can be fatal.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema from ascent

  • Headache, which may be the first symptom that occurs
  • Fever, cough, mucus, or may contain blood
  • shortness of breath after exertion which will occur when taking a break
  • Difficulty walking up hills or heights
  • palpitations, or heart beating faster than usual
  • chest pain

However, if going up a high place causes symptoms such as chest pain, fever, headache, cough, cough with bloody sputum. Fast or irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, trouble walking up high and abnormalities when returning to walk on a flat ground. should immediately see a doctor

In addition, patients should be aware of any other symptoms that may occur as well. And should see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms.

  • Severe shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and breathlessness
  • Have anxiety symptoms caused by breathing disorders
  • sweating with difficulty breathing
  • chest pain, fast or irregular heartbeat
  • The skin turns gray or purple.
  • Cough with bloody or foamy sputum
  • Causes of pulmonary edema

In general, pulmonary edema is caused by congestive heart failure. Or it could be caused by the left ventricle of the heart not being able to pump blood from the lungs to the rest of the body normally. The condition causes pressure to rise and return to the lungs. myocardial dystrophy abnormal heart valves and high blood pressure It can cause the left ventricle to malfunction.

Other causes that can cause pulmonary edema include:

  • thrombosis
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
  • Exposure to ammonia, chlorine, or other toxins
  • inhaling fumes containing certain chemicals
  • Brain or nervous system injury or trauma
  • Lung injury after treatment led to a blood clot.
  • virus infection
  • drowning
  • Side effects from using certain medications
  • Being at or as high as 8,000 feet
  • Heart disease or ischemic heart disease
  • acute high blood pressure
  • pneumonia
  • pancreatitis
  • kidney failure
  • Severe sepsis or blood poisoning from an infection

Diagnosis of pulmonary edema

This is because pulmonary edema often requires prompt treatment. The initial diagnosis is by observing the symptoms and performing a physical examination. when the symptoms stabilize Your doctor will ask about your medical history and underlying disease. Other tests may also be done to aid in diagnosis, such as:

  • Checking the integrity of red blood cells
  • blood oxygen test
  • Echocardiogram (Echocardiogram) or ultrasound to look for abnormalities in the heart
  • X-ray of the lungs
  • electrocardiogram _ to check for abnormalities in the heart rhythm or check for signs of ischemic heart disease

pulmonary edema treatment

Treatment for pulmonary edema will depend on the cause. But initially if the patient has trouble breathing and has low oxygen levels in the body. The doctor may give the patient oxygen by using an oxygen mask or inserting an oxygen tube into the nostrils. The doctor will closely monitor the symptoms and maintain the oxygen level in the patient’s body. And if lung edema is caused by other causes, doctors treat the condition and treat lung effusion at the same time.

The drugs used to treat pulmonary edema are as follows:

  • Drugs that reduce pressure caused by fluid entering the heart and lungs, such as nitroglycerin. and furosemide diuretics
  • Drugs that widen blood vessels and reduce pressure in the left ventricle, such as nitroprusside.
  • Morphine, which may be used to relieve shortness of breath and anxiety But your doctor may recommend a different type of medication.
  • blood pressure medication Your doctor may prescribe antihypertensive medications for patients with pulmonary edema. or administering medication to increase blood pressure in patients with low blood pressure

In addition, if lung flooding is caused by being on high In the event that the patient climbs or travels on high ground With a height of about 600-900 meters, it can cause symptoms. It should treat and alleviate the symptoms as follows:

  • Reduce the elevation to help relieve initial symptoms. If you have a serious illness An assistant is needed to move the patient down to the lowest place as quickly as possible.
  • Stop strenuous activity and keep warm. to prevent worsening of symptoms
  • In some cases, oxygen or mechanical ventilation may be required to the patient. to increase the oxygen level in the body or to add more air to the lungs
  • take nifedipine to help reduce the pressure of the blood vessels in the lungs This will help improve symptoms.
  • Some climbers use medications to prevent and treat symptoms of ascent, such as acetazolamide. or nifedipine, for example, by using drugs for the prevention of symptoms Start taking the medication at least 1 day before you go hiking.

Complications of pulmonary edema

Complications of pulmonary edema depend on the severity of the condition. Most of which, if the symptoms are not severe and treated promptly, the body will be able to recover normally.

But if the illness continues and results in pulmonary arterial hypertension. It can weaken the ventricles and eventually fail. Because the right ventricular myocardium is thinner than the left ventricle. and may cause other complications such as

  • There is fluid in the pleural cavity.
  • congested and swollen liver
  • Swollen arms, legs and abdomen

Patients with severe symptoms or late treatment can be life threatening. Some patients with acute pulmonary edema can be fatal even after treatment. prevention of pulmonary flooding

As pulmonary edema is a condition that cannot be prevented, people at high risk need immediate care when symptoms occur.

However, adequate initial protection can be achieved by vaccinating against pneumonia. or the flu vaccine especially those with heart disorders or the elderly which after symptoms Patients should take diuretics as directed by their doctor to prevent recurrence.

In addition, it can reduce the risk of heart attack or cardiovascular disease. which is a common cause of pulmonary edema by taking care of yourself as follows:

  • eat healthy food By eating fruits, vegetables and grains in large quantities.
  • eat less salt
  • exercise regularly
  • control blood pressure levels and always check cholesterol levels
  • For those who are overweight Try to lose weight. or maintain a normal body weight
  • avoid coping with stress
  • Avoid smoking or using drugs.
  • if there is a health problem Make regular appointments with your doctor.

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