Marriage Folk Stories from Past and Present Lives

Marriage Folk Stories from Past and Present Lives

  Once upon a time, there was a rich family surnamed Chen. Due to a sudden disaster, the family fell into ruin. The owner died of a serious illness and passed away.

At that time, there were idlers in the village who always came to make trouble. In order to keep quiet, the mother and daughter moved to other counties and rented a house to live in.

Chen’s youngest daughter, named Yuniang, was 16 years old at the time, with pink face and peach cheeks, icy skin and skin, graceful figure and various styles. This jade lady lives in the back room every day, and she also studies piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in her free time, and she is very talented.

One night, Yu Niang was so restless that she couldn’t sleep, so she opened the piano case and played a euphemistic and sad tune.

After the song was over, Yuniang raised her eyes and saw a young scholar standing beside her. She couldn’t help being startled, and reprimanded sharply: “You bold scholar, why are you so ignorant of etiquette? How could you enter my lady’s room late at night Boudoir, hurry up and go away!”

The scholar hurriedly greeted him: “Miss, just because Xiaosheng saw you walking in the garden by chance during the day, and was moved by your beautiful appearance, I fell in love with you at that time, and I heard your beautiful piano sound just now. I really couldn’t control myself, so I dared Come in. Miss, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars, how can you and I let down the beauty of this beautiful day?”

After speaking, the scholar stretched out his hand to grab Yuniang’s sleeve, but Yuniang dodged in a hurry, she was already ashamed by what she just said, and scolded the scholar: “You scholar, why are you so frivolous, please respect yourself, and leave quickly. Don’t ruin my reputation.”

But the scholar said with a stern face: “Miss, if you don’t obey, I will stay in your room tonight. If people find out, how can you keep your innocence?”

Yu Niang was so angry that she jumped in her heart: “You vicious scholar, why did you hurt me like this? If you don’t leave, I will have to fight to the death, and I won’t follow you even if I hang myself in the garden!” said With that, Yuniang lifted up her dress and rushed out, the scholar hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her.

When Yuniang saw the scholar obstructing her, she turned around and clenched her small fists to hit him in the face. She borrowed the candlelight, but saw that the scholar was fair and handsome, she couldn’t let go for a while, and stretched out her arm to slap him hard. He pinched him hard.

The scholar didn’t cry and didn’t let go, he looked at Yuniang affectionately: “Miss, I really love you!”

Facing that handsome face, looking at those fiery eyes, and listening to the soft love words in her ears, Yu Niang couldn’t help but feel light and light, almost falling into the scholar’s arms.

Yu Niang suppressed the impulse in her heart, she took the scholar’s hand and sat on the edge of the bed, and said shyly, if she really liked her, she would go home and discuss with her parents, and entrusted a matchmaker to propose marriage. At that time, they will be a loving couple dignifiedly. The scholar was very happy when he heard that, and vowed to marry her.

After finishing speaking, she saluted and said goodbye to Yu Niang. Yu Niang took his hand shyly and affectionately, and sent him outside the door. Yuniang sent the scholar away, so excited that she fell asleep with her head on the pillow.

After Yuniang fell asleep, she had a strange dream. In the dream, an old man told her that the scholar was originally a male ghost, whose surname was Fang, and that he and Yuniang had a predestined relationship in a previous life. The old man told Yuniang that Yuniang was called Yuexian in her previous life, and she and Fangsheng’s childhood sweetheart had long privately engaged for life. Unexpectedly, after the two became adults, Yuexian’s rich father disagreed with this marriage, and Fangsheng went to Beijing to rush for the exam. On the way, he sent someone to kill him quietly; Yuexian never saw Fang Sheng again, and her father forced her to marry another, Yuexian committed suicide by throwing herself into a well without changing her original intention. Later, Yuexian was reincarnated ahead of schedule, and was born into a rich family, who is now Yuniang.

When Yu Niang woke up, she was dubious about the things in her dream, and she was in a trance all day. In the blink of an eye, the night was fading again, and Yu Niang was sitting alone in the boudoir, thinking wildly, when she heard a “squeak” at the door, the scholar came unexpectedly last night. Yu Niang was not afraid, and asked him if he was Fang Sheng?

The scholar was startled, and then he replied seriously: “Exactly, because I was married to the young lady in the previous life. I passed by the day before yesterday, and I happened to meet. I saw you in the pain of long-term love, so I came to meet you in a hurry last night. But after a long time, I’m afraid your temperament is no longer the innocent and flawless you used to be, so you pretended to be frivolous, please forgive me.”

Yu Niang sighed, it turned out that she had a relationship with him in her previous life! There was so much joy in her heart, she didn’t care that Fang was born as a ghost. At the same time, Yuniang also sympathized with Fang Sheng’s experience, and was deeply moved by the unswerving love between Yuexian and Fang Sheng. “Mr. Fang, in fact, I also fell in love with you at first sight. I liked you very much when I saw you last night. Now you and I have this marriage in the previous life. Since this is the case, we should cherish it!”

Fang Sheng was elated when he heard this, and ran over, grabbed Yuniang’s little hand and kissed it a few times. Yu Niang’s face was full of spring early, and her heart was beating wildly, so the two sat hugging each other, chatting affectionately. From then on, Fang Sheng came to see Yuniang every night, and he was so happy that he couldn’t tell.

Yu Niang only wanted to have fun in the past few days, and gradually became exhausted and haggard. Chen thought her daughter was not feeling well, so she bought some medicine and decocted it for her.

This evening, Fang Sheng came to meet Yuniang again. After the two met and sat down, Yuniang said that this is not a long-term solution. How can they get along forever after a world apart? She wants to be a couple with Fang Sheng real couples.

Seeing Yuniang getting haggard, Fang Sheng couldn’t help feeling sorry for her. He hugged Yuniang lovingly and said, “The reason why I have been in the underworld for so long and cannot be reincarnated is because the villain who killed me buried me in the wild and pressed me on me.” One day, no one comes to rescue me, so I will not be able to reincarnate. Besides, even if one day, I can be reincarnated in the world, at that time, there is a big difference in age between you and me, and you have to wait until I am an adult before we can become husband and wife. Can you bear this torment?”

Yu Niang said firmly: “As long as you can be reincarnated, no matter how hard it is, I will wait for you. If you are reincarnated now, I will only be sixteen years older than you, as long as you don’t think I am old at that time. Tell me quickly, how can you save me?” And you?”

Fang Sheng was very moved when he heard this, and told her that at the foot of the western mountain, there was a thousand-year-old ancient pine, and there was a big rock twenty steps north from the ancient pine, under which his body was buried. Just remove the stone and bury his body in a sunny place on the hillside.

Seeing that the sky was about to brighten, Fang Sheng left in a hurry. After having breakfast with her mother, Yuniang excused herself to go to the street to buy some silk thread, and Mrs. Chen didn’t doubt it.

Yuniang went out of the house, sent some money to call two honest farmers, and went directly to Xishan. When she arrived at the foot of the West Mountain, Yuniang saw an ancient pine that had experienced many vicissitudes. After identifying the direction, she walked 20 steps north from the ancient pine and found the big rock. Yuniang only said to the old farmer that her ancestor entrusted her with a dream and asked her to choose another place for burial. Therefore, the two old farmers were not suspicious and just followed the orders.

After that, Fang Sheng never came to see Yu Niang again, and Yu Niang waited obsessively. A month later, a pregnant old woman nearby gave birth to a fat son. The old couple were so happy that they had a child, and they named the child Jingui.

When Yu Niang heard about it, she made an excuse to go and see, and saw that the boy was really very similar to Fang Sheng, and when she saw Yuniang, she laughed “cranky”. The family was very happy, saying that this was the first time the child laughed after the birth.

Yu Niang knew in her heart that this must be the reincarnation of that party, and she carried the child over with her heart beating wildly. The child smiled sweetly, and scratched Yu Niang’s face with his chubby little hands. Yu’s face was itchy, and he couldn’t help kissing the child. After this, the child only recognized Yuniang, and cried when others hugged him. After a while, Yuniang put the child to sleep and gently put it in his mother’s arms. From then on, Yu Niang lived in seclusion and waited patiently.

That little boy Jingui grew up very quickly, he ran all over the street, he was very cute, he had normal affection for others, but he was very attached to Chen’s mother and daughter, he often went to play at Chen’s house by himself, and Yu Yu was hungry Mother finds food for him, and sleeps on Yuniang’s bed when he is sleepy.

Later, when Jin Gui grew into an adult, he really fell in love with Yuniang, who was 16 years older than him, and fell in love with Yuniang deeply.

During this period, Yuniang has never been married, and when she sees the adult Jingui wooing her, she nods in agreement. The two families were very happy. After choosing an auspicious day, Yu Niang and Jingui were married.

Yu Niang didn’t know if Jingui knew about the past life, seeing that he hadn’t mentioned it, she didn’t say anything about it. The two of them loved each other and lived a very happy life.

Later, with the support of Yuniang, Jingui won the first prize in the examination and became the magistrate, and his relationship with Yuniang grew day by day.

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