Man Mo Temple in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Man Mo Temple or Man Mo Miu is Cantonese for Wen Wu temple, a temple for the worship of the civil or literature god Man Tai / Man Cheong and the martial god Mo Tai / Kwan Tai. Man Mo Temple is another sacred temple which popular with worship and blessings. Of the Hong Kong people in the festival. Many Hong Kong people come here to bless the gods of this temple. The temple was built in 1847 and is located on Hollywood Road. Within the temple there are two gods, the goddess of perseverance and the goddess Taewa. (Kidney donkeys) the goddess of the kidney There will be a pen in hand. The goddess of worship.

The kidney or kidneys will have a knife in hand. This temple has a fascinating story. Hong Kong people do not like to go to the hospital. When it comes to crime such as lost or stolen, then want to find the truth. The parties will go to this temple. He would swear in front of the God of the goddess or goddess. By the people who dare to be real people. People who do not swear are wrong or stealing. But this time there will be no people in the temple. To judge the case The goddess of the kidney. Take care about documents. And books Hong Kong people will take their children to pay homage and ask the descendants well learning and test.

How to get there

  • By Bus: Bus 26 outside Pacific Place at Admiralty to Hollywood Road and get off near Man Mo Temple.
  • By Train: MTR Central Station Exit D2 and turn right to Theatre Lane. Walk along Queen’s Road Central towards The Center. Then take the Central—Mid-Levels Escalator to Hollywood Road.
  • By Train: MTR Sheung Wan Station Exit A2 then walk along Hillier Street to Queen’s Road Central. Then proceed up Ladder Street (next to Lok Ku Road) to Hollywood Road to the Man Mo Temple.

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