Mae Sa Snake Farm, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Mae Sa Snake Farm is located on Mae Rim – Samoeng road, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai. Mae Sa snake farm is the biggest snake farm in Northern part of Thailand. Visitors can be fascinated with varied kinds of snakes and the shows. At the same time, you can also get to learn more about snakes as the farm gathers wide species of snakes from every parts of Thailand, both poisonous and non-poisonous as well as those species which are nearly extinct. Visitors can enjoy wandering around the farm and look out for a large collection of snakes which are in the cage or maybe in the pool. You maybe somehow accidentally meet with the king cobra or cobra which can frighten any visitors but it is a part of the fun. The main highlight of the park is the snake shows that are divided into 4 different performances and they are all run by snake charmers.

  1. Cobra Show – It is all about playing with the fierce cobra, kissing the cobra and the live extracting snake venoms show.
  2. Rat Snake Show – It presents the play between snake charmers and the non-poisonous Rat Snake which can quickly move and evade. Also, the catching three Rat Snakes in a roll show is also the highlight of this performance.
  3. Jumping Snake Show – It is another non-poisonous snakes show which presents the talent of the non-poisonous snakes that can attack from a long distance as well as the show of Copperhead Rat Snake that can be sleep or awake by the order of snake charmer.
  4. Phyton Show – It is the show that a snake charmer need to go wrestling with Phyton in the pool. You will definitely be excited throughout the show because snake can move faster and more quickly. But, at the end of the show, snake charmer will finally catch the snake while it still binds around his neck.

You can drop by Mae Sa snake farm at anytime during day time as the show time is not certainly fixed but depended on the number of visitors; a group of 5 people would do. Normally, the show runs three times a day: 11.30 a.m., 2.30 p.m., and 3.30 p.m. And, all the shows are 3o minutes performances. For further information please visit

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