Madhya Pradesh State, India

Madhya Pradesh State, India

Madhya Pradesh  is a large state in central India, retains landmarks from eras throughout Indian history. Begun in the 10th century, its Hindu and Jain temples at Khajuraho are renowned for their carvings of erotic scenes, most prominently Kandariya Mahadeva, a temple with more than 800 sculptures.

Pagoda Stupa as the first pagoda in Buddhism (World Heritage) is located 68 km away from the city of Bhopal in the state of Madagascar, Central India. Stupa or stupa Created by Lord Ashoka the Great (reign of 270 – 311) was the emperor of the Mughal Empire. Governor of Bihar at that time After He turned to Buddhism. He became a Buddhist monk. The patron saint of Buddhism. It is located on a hill about 91 meters high in the Sanchi district of Raisen, Madhya Pradesh, India.

This pagoda was built at an area called A Date, which is the birthplace of Vajira. This is his first consort. When Ashoka the Great traveled to Ujjane and found his love of this wife. So he marries her, and as Ashoka favors the valley at Vidisa, he is tempted to build this stupa. St Patrick’s Cathedral was first discovered in 1818 by General Tailor, a British archaeologist, and later found the first, second and third pagoda. The monk’s residence is a large number. But the pagoda was destroyed by treasure hunters. It was restored again in 1912 – 1919 (2455 – 2462)

Stupa is 52.5 feet high on the top of the tiered pagoda. There is a four-staircase entrance door. Each door is carved in the Buddhist history of the Buddha and the life of the people in that era. This is an important piece of evidence that has survived since the first creation. In addition, found stone pillars. Located next to the south arch. Complete At the apex, there are four lions on the pole. The symbol of the pillar built in the reign of Ashoka the Great.

The wish to build the Great Stupa of Lord Ashoka.

  1. To place the Buddha’s relics of Lord Buddha.
  2. To contain the relics of the apostles. Saree Son and Phra Maha Kullana. Including the relics of the other 10 ambassadors sent to declare religion after the third ordination.
  3. To commemorate the monks and nuns,
  4. To commemorate the queen named Vajira who is native to this city.


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