Light on Series: Kidnapping Game (2020) 十日游戏

Light on Series: Kidnapping Game (2020) 十日游戏

Light on Series: Kidnapping Game (2020)
Other Title: Light on Series: Kidnapping Game / 十日游戏 / Shi Ri You Xi / 绑架游戏 / Bang Jia You Xi / The Name of the Game is a Kidnapping / Oriole in the Post

Genres: drama, Suspense, Mystery, Romance, Crime
Release Date: 
Jun 2, 2020 – Jun 11, 2020 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
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  • Zhu Ya Wen
  • Gina Jin

Ten days, a kidnapping game, 4 million in ransom and a mystery at its heart. With the ‘victim’ turning up dead, have the stakes become far too real?

Yu Hai is the owner of a gaming studio in Luteng City, China who cannot accept how coldly his investor Shen Hui tossed him aside to withdraw the funding for his company.

Yu Hai accidentally meets Lu Jie, the daughter of Shen Hui. They concoct a plan to fake her kidnapping in exchange for ransom and start to have a relationship. Days later, Lu Jie is found dead. Wu Yuke and Miao Jia are the cops assigned to the case and their investigation exposes a great danger looming in the background.


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