Lemongrass Benefit


Lemongrass is a herbaceous plant. The leaves are slender. The tip of the thorns is hairy. Lemongrass is divided into 6 types which are citronella, lemongrass, clump, lemongrass, lemongrass, lemongrass, naga and lemongrass.  Lemongrass is both a medicine and also contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, such as vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

The benefit of lemongrass:

  1. Helps to sweat
  2. A tonic for the growth of fire (lemongrass)
  3. Has medicinal properties Helps with appetite
  4. Helps to cure anorexia (beginning)
  5. Lemongrass extract helps to prevent colon cancer.
  6. Cure and relieve colds, coughs.
  7. Helps to cure fever (fresh leaves)
  8. Used as a fever medicine above (root)
  9. The essential oil of Lemongrass leaves can relieve the pain.
  10. Helps to cure headaches.
  11. Helps to treat high blood pressure (fresh leaves).
  12. Used as a cure for vomiting if used together with other herbs (lemongrass).
  13. Helps to relieve the symptoms of lines and wind leaves (lemongrass head)
  14. Treatment of asthma by using lemon grass.
  15. Helps to relieve heartburn, burning sensation around the chest (root)
  16. Used as an antidote to diarrhea and diarrhea (root)
  17. Helps to cure and relieve stomach pain.
  18. Helps to treat flatulence (lemongrass head).
  19. Helps to drive bile to help digestion.
  20. Lemongrass essential oil helps reduce intestinal contractions.
  21. Has the effect of helping to urinate
  22. Helps to cure urinary disorders and treat gallstones (Lemongrass head).
  23. Helps to relieve suppression (Lemongrass head).
  24. Used as an anti-carminative drug (early)
  25. Helps to treat cholera.
  26. Helps to cure paralysis (head, lemon grass).
  27. Used as a treatment for tinea (lemongrass).
  28. Essential oil from lemon grass Can help fight against mold on the skin as well
  29. Helps to cure gonorrhea. If mixed with other herbs

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