“LAZADA” Fights in the Mega Campaign “11.11” Highlighting Gamification

LAZADA” fights in the mega campaign “11.11” highlighting Gamification – AI & AR technology, strategy to create Customer Engagement

When entering November You will see the biggest shopping competition of the year, the mega campaign “ 11.11 ” from the e-commerce platform. which each year brings together famous brands, great deals, and huge discount promotions. And of course, the degree of competition gets fiercer every year. Therefore, all platforms must try to present “new things” to create a Wow! Experience or a new experience for consumers. or users To attract people to shop Let’s spend more time on the platform more frequently.

Most recently, ” LAZADA ” (Lazada) can be called the king of the mega campaign ” 11.11 ” because it is considered the initiator of this campaign in Thailand until it became a Signature Campaign that has been with LAZADA for a long time. But nowadays, when competitors turned to do 11.11 as well, the lifestyles and needs of consumers in the digital age change quickly Always looking for new experiences

Therefore, “ LAZADA ” as the king of the mega campaign “ 11.11 ” must speed up itself to make a difference. and deliver a more enjoyable shopping experience To attract consumers to shop on the LAZADA platform and not just shop. But more than that, it is necessary to build long-term engagement with consumers. To make your stay with the platform longer ( Stickiness) and create loyalty with the LAZADA platform.

For this reason, LAZADA ‘s mega campaign 11.11 this year places importance on enhancing the shopping experience to be more fun and creating long-term engagement with the following 4 strategies.

1. Gamification strategy & collect LazCoins to get discounts

LAZADA has developed the game feature “LazGame” to create a “LazGame” shopping experience. Shoppertainment to shoppers along with motivating people to come back and play continuously Where shoppers can play games directly through the LAZADA app and can play while browsing, searching, and purchasing products at the same time.

It also allows shoppers to collect “LazCoins” while playing games. Users can collect coins on the app (virtual coins), which shoppers can exchange for coins they collect from playing games. Can be exchanged for various benefits, such as exchange for discount coupons. For another level of value when shopping during the 11.11 campaign.

Currently, on the LAZADA platform, there are 3 main games:

– LazLand is a game developed by LAZADA Thailand. Especially for the Thai market Players can plant, water, and harvest rice to complete various missions. Ready to receive a free bag of Golden Jasmine Rice from LAZADA Thailand when completing the mission. It was found that more than 70% of LazLand players returned to the game to take care of the rice plants they had planted. and the amount of Golden Jasmine Rice that shoppers received throughout this year It has a total weight of more than 200 tons.

– There are also 2 more games open for shoppers in 6 countries to play: Merge Boss and GoGoMatch. It was found that during the past 9.9 campaign, the total time that LAZADA users across the region came to play the GoGoMatch game. The total amount is equivalent to 310 years and the total collection of in-game tokens (tokens) totals 755 million from a total of 19 million games played.

The reason why LAZADA uses the Gamification strategy is that games are a tool that plays an important role in making users stay on the LAZADA platform longer, increasing usage ( stickiness) and creating platform loyalty. The survey results found that

– 51% of people who play mobile games Consider that a fun experience is a key factor in their continued use of games.

– 80% of LazGame players in Thailand return to use the application on a weekly basis.

– LazGame players in Thailand are using the LAZADA application 3 times higher than the average user.

“We believe that gamification will become an even more prominent strategy in e-commerce in the future. Because of the combination of fun from playing games Combined with the value of collecting coins through daily check-ins and completing various missions, it gives the platform the opportunity to create engagement along with providing various benefits to reward shoppers at the same time, ” Ms. Marisa Uniphan, Chief Business Officer, Lazada Thailand, spoke about bringing games to connect with consumers.

2. Develop new features, and use AI and AR technology to help shoppers find products – try virtual products before buying.

– Image Search: The Image Search feature uses AI technology to make searching for products more convenient. Shoppers simply bring a picture of the item they want to scan. Or take a photo through the LAZADA app and the search results will suggest similar items.

This feature can answer the needs of fashion shoppers who like to follow new trends very well. Because it allows you to easily shop for new looks that you see or like. At the same time, we offer a variety of products as additional options.

Survey results found that 92% of Thai shoppers decide to purchase products they find using the search function on the LAZADA app.

– Put in My Home: A new feature on LazHome uses Augmented Reality (AR) technology to allow shoppers to experiment with placing furniture and other home decoration items in rooms on images of the real space. This feature overlays product images onto images of real locations from the smartphone’s camera. It allows shoppers to see the products in real space before purchasing. and make decisions with more confidence

3. Full deals and special promotions

This year’s 11.11 campaign, LAZADA has special deals and promotions including:

– LazFlash helps pay up to 90%

– Laz Bonus coupon up to 10,000 baht

– Discount coupon up to 2,500 baht

– Pre-sale: Receive special offers from leading brands on LazMall by booking products in advance. By paying the deposit from today – 10 November and paying the remaining amount between 11 – 13 November.

– Crazy Brand Mega Offers: Get discounts of up to 90% when purchasing participating products on LazMall between midnight – 2 a.m. on November 11.

4. Extended the 11.11 mega campaign period to 3 days.

This year’s 11.11 mega campaign marks the first time that LAZADA has extended its duration to 3 days between 11 – 13 November 2023, covering the entire Southeast Asia region. Originally held for one day only on November 11th.

The reason why LAZADA is extending the period of 11.11 to 3 days, LAZADA Thailand executives said that they want consumers to have more time to buy the products they want.

Of course, the extension of the mega campaign days has increased. It will definitely increase sales opportunities for stores on the LAZADA platform, which is a great time to stimulate sales at the end of the year. At the same time, LAZADA has engaged with more users. both from coming to shop on the platform Come play games from the LazGame feature and earn and redeem LazCoins.

Source: marketingoops

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