“Late Night Study” ends with Baidu and CITIC’s cross-border linkage to stimulate new potential in the content industry

“Late Night Study” ends with Baidu and CITIC’s cross-border linkage to stimulate new potential in the content industry.

A few days ago, the first season of the experimental talk show “Late Night Study” jointly produced by Baidu Baijiahao and CITIC Publishing Group ended. It is reported that “Late Night Study” uses eleven issues and eleven topics to respond to three categories of realistic problems that concern contemporary young groups in today’s society, people and people, people and society, and people and self.

From the broadcast effect, according to reports, the audience of the program focuses on young and middle-aged groups of 25-40 years old with undergraduate education background and above. They are the backbone of contemporary society and are also suffering from social, marriage, age, wealth, etc. Multiple pressures from top to bottom. And “useful” and “solving worries” are the secrets of this column to attract the attention of young people.

Popular science author Li Yongle said in the first issue of “Wealth Anxiety: Why I Work Hard, but I Still Feel Poor”, from the actual perception of front-line teaching, the most fundamental way to get rid of poverty is to rely on self-discipline. For young people who do not have many resources For humans, reading more is still the surest way to get more rewards—so reading is still the best way to go without looking for other ways to succeed.

According to public data, “Late Night Study” has been online since March 17, 2022, and has recorded over 30 million broadcast data on the entire network within two months. The topic #late night study# has over 21 million readings, which is the cultural program market in the first half of the year. A successful attempt in . As a column jointly produced by Baidu Baijiahao and CITIC Publishing Group, from the perspective of the industry, both platforms have made every effort to escort it.

Behind this is not only the linkage at the resource level, but also the innovation and integration after the elimination of industry boundaries. At the same time, the cooperation between Baidu Baijiahao and CITIC Publishing has successfully tested the waters, creating another opportunity for more publishing industries and Internet platforms to cooperate, and also allowing the industry to see the huge potential after the cooperation.

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