Knowledge About Chocolate

Chocolate is a product obtained from the beans of the tropical cacao plant. Chocolate is an ingredient in many desserts such as ice cream, candies, cookies, cakes. Or chocolate pie can be considered as one of the desserts that are liked by people around the world.

Chocolate is made from the finely fermented, roasted and ground cocoa beans obtained from the tropical cacao tree, which originates from Central America.and Mexico The cocoa tree was discovered by the Indians.and the Aztecs, but now spread and cultivated throughout the tropics. Cacao beans have a very strong astringent flavor. The produce of cocoa beans is known as “chocolate” or part of the world as “cacao.”

Cocoa products are known under many different names in different parts of the world.

Cocoa is the seed of the cocoa tree.
Cocoa butter (cocoa butter) is fat.of cocoa beans
Chocolate is a mixture of cocoa beans and cocoa butter.
Chocolate is a mixture of cocoa beans and cocoa butter. in which sugar and other ingredients are mixed and made into sticks and other shapes

The cacao beans, besides being made into chocolate, can also be made into beverages such as hot chocolate. The chocolate drink was invented by the Aztecs, later by Indians and Europeans.

Chocolate is often made in the form of different animals. imaginary people or objects to participate in various celebrations around the world, such as the image of a rabbit Easter egg shape, the shape of a coin or centa christmasand heart shapeat Valentine’s Day

There are many allegations about chocolate. Moreover, false beliefs that chocolate is the source of acne
Because in fact, the occurrence of acne There is no effect from eating any kind of food at all.

The allegations that Chocolate contains caffeine, in fact, there is very little.
1.4 ounces of chocolate contains only 6 milligrams of caffeine.
which is equal to the number of Caffeine contained in decaf coffee.
and for white that chocolate There’s no caffeine at all.

Overall, chocolate can be called a healthy food quite well
because in foreign countries It has been proven that compounds in chocolate Contributes to the prevention of cancer.
and reduce the incidence of heart disease. because in the chocolate There is a substance called phenolic in high amounts.
Phenolics are substances that help fight free radicals. and prevent the formation of fat in the blood vessels

Importantly, it also helps to slow down as well.

not just giving each other chocolates on Valentine’s Day only But there is a story that
Monteshuma, the conquering warrior of Spain. Always drink chocolate on a regular basis. before going to see his (many) wives.
However It is to help stimulate the love mood. How do you say it?
It is true that Chocolate makes me want to have more sex.

Because chocolate contains stimulants. affecting the heart and nervous system
when eating chocolate The heart will beat faster, feel hyper , sometimes feel energetic . want to jump and dance
Maybe a little numb, this is what will stimulate the desire. What is pending?

Also, someone used to say The mood of eating chocolate Like the feeling of falling in love
because our bodies will secrete the same substance
There is a difference in that We can’t buy love But we can buy chocolate. If there is a shop nearby

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