Khao Mao Rice Recipe

Mao Mao with Pandan Leaves

Khao Mao Rice Recipe is considered a famous dish in Phetchaburi province. This formula is special. Add concentrated pandan juice. Makes the color of Khao Mao a beautiful green. The more you stir with the pandan boiled water, the more fragrant it. Shape into small balls for eating, mix with grated young coconut, super delicious.


  • Glutinous rice flour 300 g.
  • 4 pandan leaves + 600 ml of water (boiled pandan juice)
  • 4 pandan leaves + 12 ml of water (concentrated pandan juice)
  • Shredded young coconut 1.6 kg.
  • 1 baking candle
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • Glutinous rice flour baked with candle smoke (Nuan powder)


  1. Put the glutinous rice flour in a pot, light a candle, put the baking tray, put it in the pot, close the lid and let it bake for 1 hour.
  2. Set a pot, add water, followed by 3-4 fragrant pandan leaves, boil until the water smells good. to make pandan water
  3. Prepare the blender. Cut the pandan leaves into pieces, add to it, followed by water, and then blend thoroughly. Make a concentrated pandan juice
  4. Put the pot on low heat, add sugar, followed by pandan water, use a spatula to stir until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Then add grated young coconut, followed by concentrated pandan juice. Mix well until it turns green and stir well until dry. Then set aside for 1 night.
  6. When the time is up, continue to stir with low heat. Then put the glutinous rice flour to bake candle smoke into it. Stir to combine and keep stirring until the batter is sticky and sift from the pan. Once the dough is sticky and sift out of the pan, To scoop into a mixing bowl.
  7. Prepare a baking tray. Put the glutinous rice flour that has been baked into a soft dough. Take the flour that has been stirred by hand. Form into balls, put on a tray, and mix with soft flour. to keep each dough from sticking together. Then sprinkle with grated young coconut. Mix it up beautifully and you’re done.

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