Ketchikan City in Alaska, USA

Ketchikan city is in the borough seat of the Ketchikan Gateway in Alaska. Ketchikan was originally a fishing village of the United States but later it was growing rapidly during the gold digging in 1898 because this is a stopover to find supplies and equipment for gold diggers before heading to the destination. This is makes the whole city full of colors including traces of civilization of the Indians at the first of columns carved with art of the Indians.

Where to go:

1. Creek Street

Creek Street is a historic downtown of Ketchikan. It featured the houses that were built on the brook, a community of gold miners in the past. In August of this year, the stream is full of salmon that spawn. Currently, Creek Street has become a popular souvenir shopping center of the city.

Walking Tour (Creek Street)
Lumber Jack Show
Bering Sea Crab Fisherman’s Tour
Rainforest Hiking
Misty Fjords Flightseeing
Potlatch Park
Saxman Native Village
Misty Fjords Wilderness Cruise
Totem Bight State Park
Duck Tour
Wildlife Tour
Helicopter Tour
Float Plane Tour

How to get there:

By Air:

  • Ketchikan is about 90 minutes away from Seattle by air and they have several daily by Alaska Airlines. Ketchikan International Airport is located on Gravina Island and take about five-minute ferry ride to town.

By Sea:

  • located on Revillagigedo Island which is a five-minute ferry ride from our international airport then use Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) , Inter-Island Ferry Service , Private Vessels , Cruise Lines and Ferries to visit place that you are interest.

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