Kansai, Japan Trip Plan 9 Days 8 Nights in Osaka – Kyoto – Nara – Higashi – Kobe

Kansai, Japan Trip Plan 9 Days 8 Nights in Osaka – Kyoto – Nara – Higashi – Kobe

Traveling to the old capital city to maintain the traditional way of life. The culture is integrated with new technologies. In the Kansai province, Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, and Nara.

Traveling in the Kansai region, traveling by Thai Airline:

Day 1: (31 Oct) Bangkok (Bangkok) – Osaka (Thai Airline)
Day 2: (1 Nov) Osaka – Airport Limousine Bus: 2,760 yen (round trip and round trip) and use One Day Pass for 600 yen
Day 3: (2 Nov) Himeji – Kobe – Osaka
Day 4: (3 Nov) Osaka – Osaka Castle
Day 5: (4 Nov) Osaka – Universal
Day 6: (5 Nov) Nara – Kyoto – Osaka
Day 7: (6 Nov) Bamboo – Kyoto – Osaka
Day 8: (7 Nov) Osaka – Outlet – Osaka Airport (Kansai International Airport)
Day 9: (8 Nov) Outlet – Kansai International Airport – Bangkok – Airport Limousine Bus

Know the types of cards before traveling in Kansai – Osaka

  • Osaka One Day Pass – One day pass to Osaka. There are 2 tickets available, priced at 800 yen on weekdays and 600 yen on weekends and holidays.
  • Osaka Day Pass – There is no limit to the number of seats in the subway. The price is 2300 yen. One day with 3000 yen. Use the same price for Both children and adults) can only buy tourists. Recommend that if you want to travel. Places in Osaka This card will be able to access more than 28 popular free destinations and other discounts.
  • Tickets can be purchased at Osaka Airport Information Center, Namba tour companies, and ticket agents in Thailand. (This card is for 2 consecutive days only)
  • Kansai Thru Pass is a 3-day pass – Kansai (Kyoto-Kobe-Nara-Higashi-Osaka) tickets are available for an adult price of 5,200 yen. Do not stick together. By the expiration date It will be available for 3 days only.)


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