Japan Information

General Information

Japan (日本国Nihon-koku/Nippon-koku Nihongoku/Nippongoku) is an island country in East Asia. located in the Pacific Ocean West borders the Korean Peninsula. and People’s Republic of China separated by the Sea of ​​Japan northern part next to Russia There is the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Is a border line, the Kanji character of the Japanese name means the origin of the sun. Therefore, it is sometimes called the Land of the Rising Sun.

Japan is administratively divided into 47 prefectures and divided into 8 regions . there will be a capital city which is the office location Various local organizations of each province Local government within the province is divided into cities, towns and villages , each of which plays an important role in the country’s economic, social and cultural development.

Japan is located in the Ring of Fire, at the junction between Three tectonic plates cause frequent low- magnitude earthquakes , and there are also high-magnitude earthquakes that have caused catastrophic damage several times over the past century. such an event The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1994 and the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004 , etc. In addition, Japan is located in the Ring of Fire area. Also makes Japan have many hot springs all over the country. Most of which were developed into tourist attractions. Mount Fuji , the highest peak in Japan, is also a volcano.

The Japanese archipelago is elongated in the north-south direction. thus making the climate look very different Japan can be divided into 6 climatic zones:

  • Hokkaido: The northernmost part of the country enjoys a cold climate all year round, although there is not much precipitation , but in winter the entire island is covered with snow.
  • Sea of ​​Japan: Located on the west coast of Honshu Island. The northwest winds that blow during the winter bring a lot of snow. During the summer months, the weather tends to be cooler than on the Pacific side. Although sometimes it happens Fehn phenomenon which causes the air to be abnormally hot
  • Central Highlands: Temperatures between summer and winter and between day and night are very different.
  • The Seto Inland Sea: The mountains of Chugoku and Shikoku protect the Seto Inland Sea from seasonal winds, keeping the area warm with little rainfall all year round.
  • Pacific Ocean Coast: Located on the eastern ocean coast of the country. In winter, the weather is cold but it rarely snows. In summer it is hot and humid because of the southeast wind.
  • Southwestern Islands: The Ryukyu Islands have a subtropical temperature. i.e. warm in winter and hot in summer. There was a lot of rain and a typhoon passed during the change of season.

The main rainy season begins in early May in Okinawa and gradually climbs to Hokkaido in late July . On the island of Honshu, the rainy season begins in mid-June. It lasts about a month and a half. And in late summer to early autumn, there are often typhoons blowing through. On average, there are 11 typhoons blowing near Japan per year.


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