Is it necessary to have ‘best friends’ at work, says research?

Is it necessary to have ‘best friends’ at work, says research? You can have some because it’s good for your mental health and increase work efficiency.

‘Work friends’ is a topic of conversation that is frequently raised online. There were both people who shared their experiences about meeting a toxic colleague. What should I do? Some people tell their friends at work that they don’t have to. Our duty is to just come to work and go home to live our personal lives, not necessarily close to each other. At the same time, a voice from the other side argued that It’s good to bond with friends at work. And many of them became close friends too.

Today we invite you to look at the answers to the studies that have been researched on Is it necessary to have friends at work? And do you have to pair it with each other or not?

The results of a study conducted by researchers in Spain, Japan, Germany, Iceland, Israel, and others are similar. Having friends at work not only increases job satisfaction and productivity. but also improves health Because having good friends at work will help reduce the risk of burnout. better mental health Less traumatic experiences and may last longer.

On the other hand, research clearly indicates that loneliness is unhealthy as it is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Substance Abuse self-harm and problems with the heart and blood vessels.

While last year’s research by Constance Hadley, an organizational psychologist and lecturer at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business, in the united states It pointed out that loneliness at work is normal, finding that 76 percent of executives had trouble communicating with co-workers and 58 percent felt their workplace relationships were superficial.

It seems that this situation will only get worse during the epidemic. That makes everyone have to stay in the house Work styles have shifted from working in the office to working from home. And it was during this time that the work style completely changed. Not only being able to work at home (work from home), but also being able to change to be able to work from anywhere, just being responsible and burdened is enough. As a result, there is less interaction between colleagues. And many people feel more isolated.

Hadley also explained that having good friendships at work is also associated with social support as well as emotional support, such as going out to eat, and hanging out after work. Exchange and share experiences, feelings, and opinions with each other. Including in other ways, such as helping to lighten the load on days when you are busy with busy work. Even relatively minor interactions, such as your boss allowing you to leave early to run an urgent errand. It can reduce the negative effects of stress. Makes me feel good about my own work society. and increase work force

However, what many people still worry about is Is it necessary to be close to the level of closeness?

Kim Samuel, author of ‘On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation’, says that while it’s good to have close friends at work, it’s a good idea. But it may not be necessary. If you don’t feel comfortable letting them step into their personal space. which would resonate with many people Even if it’s good to connect with the people we have to live with. and help support any activities Whatever goes smoothly But respecting the needs And comfort is important too.

Let’s say interaction Keeping good relationships in the workplace is good for the smooth work of the office people. Especially the position that must be coordinated all the time. But what level will the intimacy be? It depends on the needs of each person. If you’re comfortable, how close will it be? You can follow your own comfort. But we don’t have to endure it. Or trade your mental health for a coworker who acts badly

Reference: Why Work Friends Are Crucial for Your Health


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