Iron and Blood 铁血殊途 Episode 43 Recap

Iron and Blood 铁血殊途 Episode 43 Recap

Dong Shouwang is very grateful to Yuyi for cooperating with her. Yuyi is not clear about what Shouwang is going to do, but she is very worried about Shouwang. She advises Shouwang not to mess around, and the iron Buddha is unwilling to watch Shouwang go to death in vain, but At this time, Shouwang couldn’t listen to anyone’s words.

Qi Ying knew that Shouwang had to do something to her father. In order to protect her father and also to protect Shouwang, Qi Ying approached Ma Zhenglong and told Ma Zhenglong that she had opened the safe. She hoped Ma Zhenglong. Able to tell the truth to yourself. Ma Zhenglong was very disappointed when he knew what his daughter had done.

After Qi Ying’s repeated questioning, Ma Zhenglong finally told Qi Ying the truth of the year. Shouwang’s father, Dong Yunji, was an old man in the Tongmenghui. He raised a lot of money to transport to the south to support the revolution in the south. As a result, he was hated by the Beiyang government, and the Beiyang government naturally sent a killer to murder Dong Yunji. In addition to the Beiyang government, there are many forces in Donghe who are worried about the huge sum of money raised by Dong Yunji, but Ma Zhenglong again denied that he was involved in this matter.

Ma Jixing planted a big somersault on Guo Sanjiang last time. In order to restore his face, Ma Jixing issued a military order to Lingshan to eliminate banditry as soon as possible and promote the construction of the arsenal. Li Zhengkai is also anxious for the construction of the armament factory, but attacked Fenglongshan. They lack heavy weapons, and they are easy to repeat the same mistakes when they act rashly. Li Zhengkai can only persuade Ma Jixing to take a long-term view.

At this moment, Yuping brought his uncle to Li Zhengkai, and Li Zhengkai found something from his uncle, and his eyes lit up. Under the inspiration of his uncle, Li Zhengkai had the inspiration to invent the bullet barrel, which is very suitable for attacking seals. For Longshan’s heavy weapons, Li Zhengkai immediately sent the design drawings to the arsenal of the provincial capital for processing and production.

Yu Yi wants to marry Dong Shouwang, Ma Jixing still can’t let it go. He finally plucked up the courage to come to the new world to find Yuyi. He hopes that Yuyi can change his mind and accept himself again, but Yuyi is already disappointed with Ma Jixing. In order to make Yuyi believe in himself, Ma Jixing knelt on the ground and confessed to Yuyi, and even pointed a gun at his head to ensure that he was interested in Yuyi.

As soon as Qiu Zhentang came out of the New World, he discovered the traces of the Japanese spies that had appeared before. He immediately chased him up. However, Qiu Zhentang was not an opponent of the Japanese spies at all, so he was knocked out and kidnapped by the other party. When Qiu Zhentang woke up, it was Wen Shang who appeared in front of him.

Wen Shang did not hide his identity as a traitor. He tried to draw Qiu Zhentang to work for the Japanese, but Qiu Zhentang refused. Wen Shang took out a specially made Japanese poisonous needle to threaten Qiu Zhentang, and Qiu Zhentang, who was afraid of death, finally promised Wen Shang and the Japanese allegiance.

Now that Fuxing Mine is in chaos in the hands of Shouye, Mrs. Dong finally couldn’t sit still, she took the initiative to come to Beishan Mine. Shouye was very nervous and panicked when he saw his mother’s sudden appearance.


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