Iron and Blood 铁血殊途 Episode 42 Recap

Iron and Blood 铁血殊途 Episode 42 Recap

Dong Shouwang found Water Chestnut and asked her about the truth about her father’s death. To protect Dong Shouye, Water Chestnut was forced to be threatened by Wen Shang. It was Ma Zhenglong who had lied to Shouwang and killed Mr. Dong. Now Dong Shouwang really believed it. Qi Ying soon learned about Lao Wang’s deception of Shouwang. Qi Ying admitted that she had read a letter and knew that her father was related to the death of Shouwang’s father.

However, Qi Ying did not believe that Ma Zhenglong had killed Dong Yunji. She patiently enlightened and persuaded Shouwang, but at this time Shouwang had already been covered by hatred. It seemed that he had already planned to kill Ma Zhenglong for revenge.

Qi Ying found Lao Wang and asked him to tell the purpose of deceiving Shouwang to frame Ma Zhenglong. Lao Wang told Qi Ying these things were told to him by Water Chestnut, so Qi Ying went to Water Chestnut again, but Water Chestnut denied it and stayed in Qi. When Ying was about to persuade Water Chestnut, Dong Shouye rushed to drive Qi Ying away.

In desperation, Qi Ying had to go to Guan Jianyun. At this time, Water chestnut regretted that she had deceived Shouwang. She told Shouye about the matter and hoped that he would explain to Shouwang, for fear that Shouwang would go to Ma Zhenglong for revenge, but Shouye did not think that Shouwang would really kill the horse. Zhenglong, he always felt that Shouwang would put the overall situation first.

After determining Ma Zhenglong’s own father and enemy, Dong Shouwang really wanted to kill Ma Zhenglong to avenge him. He found the pig iron Buddha and told the pig iron Buddha the truth he knew, but he did not intend to let the pig iron Buddha do it. It is not a trivial matter to kill the mayor personally, but once Shouwang really does his hands, the Dong family will be over, so this matter still needs more consideration. Qi Ying knew that Shouwang was going to act on Ma Zhenglong, but in desperation, she could only ask Guan Jianyun for help.

Dong Shouwang, who has always been indifferent to Yuyi, suddenly wants to marry Yuyi, which is very surprising. In fact, this was Dong Shouwang’s plan. He knew that Madam Dong would definitely not agree to marry him with Yuyi, so he planned to take this opportunity to sever ties with the Dong family. In this case, killing Ma Zhenglong by himself would not hurt the Dong family. Dong Shouwang went to see Madam Dong with a jade intent, and she was opposed by Madam Dong, and Shouwang was able to completely sever the relationship with the Dong family.

Qi Ying guessed Dong Shouwang’s intentions, and she felt that someone was setting a trap to use Shouwang to get rid of her father Ma Zhenglong. Qi Ying believed that the conspiracy behind this was the Japanese. Qi Ying told Mrs. Dong about Shouye’s borrowing from the Japanese, letting Mrs. Dong understand that the Japanese have completely focused on Fuxing Mine. Mrs. Dong is very worried about Shouwang, she can only send Guan Ye to stop Shouwang, and the only thing Guan Ye can do now is to prevent Shouwang from contacting Ma Zhenglong.

In addition, Guan Ye also found a pig iron Buddha, hoping that the pig iron Buddha Can stop Shouwang, if the pig iron Buddha can stop Shouwang, Lord Guan is willing to let the pig iron Buddha return to his teacher. In fact, Mrs. Dong and Guan Jianyun had long known that Ma Zhenglong and Dong Yunji’s death were related, but Ma Zhenglong was not the mastermind in the murder of Dong Yunji.

In the New World, Dong Shouwang publicly announced his marriage to Yuyi, which made Ma Jixing finally feel the pain. He always carried jade in his heart, but for his own duties, he could not give Yuyi a future. Dong Shouwang and the Dong family severed their relationship. The purpose was clear. Wen Shang was worried that Dong Shouwang would not be able to get rid of Ma Zhenglong. Fujii was ready to “help” defend Wang. He decided to send someone to assassinate Ma Zhenglong and then blame Shou. Prosperous.


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