Introduction to Wies Church

Wies Church is located in Bavaria, Germany, about 70 kilometers southwest of Munich. It was built in October 1746 and completed in 1754. The church has a simple structure and reasonable layout, with a simple and elegant temperament. The decoration of the Wies Church is coordinated, and the space is wide, mainly including an oval corridor with a width of 25 meters and a length of 29 meters and a rectangular hall. Wies Church is the only human heritage in the German Alps.


Wies Church, which means “the pilgrimage church of the Savior that Wies beaten”, is located in the Wies district of Steingarden, Bavaria, Germany. It was founded by John Baptist Zimmermann from 1746 to 1754 ( JohannBaptistZimmermann, January 3, 1680-March 2, 1758) and Dominikus Zimmermann (June 30, 1685-November 16, 1766) brothers designed and built, they are German painter and architect in Rococo style.

Wies Church adopted the popular Rococo design at the time. According to legend, the savior in the church once shed tears and became a holy place. It is a majestic pilgrimage church with excellent interior decoration. It was listed as a world cultural heritage in 1983. From 1985 to 1991, 10.6 million marks were spent on renovations. Now more than one million people come here every year.


The Wies Church (built between 1746 and 1754) is located in the beautiful Alpine valley. This is the work of the architect Dominique Zimmermann. It is an excellent masterpiece of the Bavarian Rococo style. The whole work Full of vitality, cheerfulness, and rich colors.

Enshrined in the Wies Church is a statue of a flogged savior, by brothers Patel Magnus Straub and Lucas Schweiger at the Steingarden Abbey in Upper Bavaria in 1730 The carving is complete.

Legend has it that on June 14, 1738, a female farmer named Maria Lory in Weiss saw a few tears in the eyes of the statue of the Savior. After the news spread, it soon attracted worship and pilgrimage. People flocked to see the legendary statue of the savior in tears. In order to meet people’s needs, Weiss built a small chapel, which was the predecessor of Weiss Church.

From 1745 to 1754, the Zimmermann brothers under the leadership of AbtMarinusII.Mayer built the current Rococo-style Wies Church. The paintings on the altar were by the Munich court painter Balthasar August · Created by Balthasar August Albrecht.

The statues of the four great Western world theologians Hieronymus, Ambrose, St. Augustine and Gregory I are the mature works of Tyrolean painter Anton Sturm; The church organ was built in 1957.

With the beginning of the separation of church and state in Bavaria, the Wies Church was ordered to be auctioned and demolished at the beginning of the 19th century. It was rescued by local farmers and allowed the pilgrimage to continue. In 1983, the Wies Church was included in the World Cultural Heritage List and was renovated from 1985 to 1991.


Religious concerts are frequently held in the church. May 1st is the beginning of the annual pilgrimage to Vis, and every June 14th and the following Sundays are the “Jesus’ Tears” festival to commemorate the miracle of the statue of the Redeemer in tears and the establishment of the Holy Land of Vis.


The white Wies Church is located in the beautiful Alpine valley. This is the work of the architect Dominic Zimmermann, an excellent masterpiece of Rococo with Bavarian characteristics. The whole work is full of vitality, cheerfulness and rich colors. There are more than 100 churches and altars (places of prayer and worship) in Wies, Germany, and from northern Bavaria to the southernmost tip of Steiermark (a state in southeastern Austria), more than 1,500 similar ones have been found so far. The place.

The Wies Church is a masterpiece of Dominique (1685-1766). A large number of first-class artists of his time appeared under his hand. Johann and Anthony are two of them; Dominica still used the Bavarian Rococo style The architectural style (popular in the 18th century, characterized by slenderness and flashy) has developed to the pinnacle of an undisputed figure.

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