Information about Sweden

Information about Sweden

Sweden (Kingdom of Sweden or Konungariket Sverige) is the Nordic countries are located on the Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe, west to Norway. North to Finland and the Skagerrak in the south-west to the Kattegat and east to the Baltic. And the bay of borough Stockholm is a capital city. Sweden has a sparsely populated population. Except in the metropolitan area. Most of the country consists of forests and high mountains.

After the Viking Age Sweden became part of the Kalmar Union. Together with Denmark and Norway (During this time Finland was part of the Kingdom of Sweden. Sweden left the Union in the early 16th century and has fought its neighbors for many years. Especially Russia And Denmark and Norway are also unionized which is not acceptable to Sweden from the union. In the 17th century, Sweden expanded its territory by war and became a great power, twice the size of the present. In 1914, Sweden lost its kingdom, including Finland, which had been part of the Kingdom of Sweden since. In 1914, Sweden was in peace. With a non-partisan foreign policy in peace and neutrality during the war.

  1. General information for each country: official name Kingdom of Sweden Has the largest area in Northern Europe Similar size to Thailand Half covered with forest There are one hundred thousand lakes all over the country. Causing only 10% of agricultural land and tens of thousands of islands Islands along the coast
  2. Flag
  3. Geography Country: Sweden is one of the most northern countries in the world. With an area similar to Thailand Sweden has a relatively long coastline To the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Botany In the west, with the Scandinavian Mountains Fry along the border with Norway.
  4. Country map.
  5. Country area: 449,964
  6. Capital country: Stockholm
  7. Religion Country: 80 percent Christianity
  8. Population: approximately 9,113,257 people
  9. The most pleasant months:
  10. Domestic airports: Arlanda Airport
  11. Airlines that travel to 20 countries:
  12. Climate And the season of the country: cold for about 8 months each year. The average winter temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius and the snow is modest. Northern Sweden has a long and cold winter. In the summer, the average temperature is around 18 degrees Celsius. In the north, in June-July, there will be sunlight throughout the day and night.
  13. Postal service country:
  14. Domestic telephone service: +46
  15. Country time : The current compensation time zone is +2: 00
  16. Languages ​​used in the country: Swedish and English are widely used. Swedish language is in the Germanic language, so Swedish, Danish and Norwegian can communicate. Because the languages ​​are similar
  17. Currency: Sweden Krona
  18. Electrical system Country: 230 V 50 Hz
  19. Examples of power plugs and converters used with domestic plugs:
  20. Films and cameras of the country: should be prepared especially enough Films because in foreign countries, the price is very high especially According to tourist attractions And should prepare the camera with a camera as the weather is cold, the battery will wear out quickly
  21. National tipping customs: Compensation for international services is important. Because of the etiquette of tourists, should give tips for those who provide services such as drivers, staff that help facilitate the hotel. And a local guide that facilitates you while traveling
  22. Country tasting food: 1. Herring fish, parsley and lemon National food of Sweden
    2.Swedish meatball – Kottbullar, boiled potatoes and jam Seasoned meatballs, including pork, chicken and beef Eaten with potatoes Sauce and alongside the fruit jam Jam is sweet and easy to eat.
    3.Prinsesstarta Famous cake
  23. Shopping list of countries: H&M clothing, shoes, Friis & Company, perfume, cell, chocolate, polly, dessert, Daim, Sami handicrafts (Sami handicraft)
  24. Tourist attractions of the country: 1. Kalmar Castle This castle is a symbol of Sweden. It has been around since the 12th century and has been an agent for the protection of the country. This large castle protects the enemy and pirates from attacking the city via the Baltic Sea.
    2. Visby Medieval City) Old town in the island of Scotland It is another place that tourists should not miss. Because the city was founded since the 12th century, with many interesting tourist spots, including the ancient museums of the island and many medieval architecture that remains for future generations to see.
    3. Gamla Stan Gamla Stan is one of the favorite places for tourists. Because it is a place that combines ancient retro flair and modernity together perfectly
  25. Theme parks to visit in the country: 1. Gro Lune waterfront theme park (Squaria WaterMuseum)
    2. Liseberg Amusement Park Liseberg is located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Each year the number of people using the park. This is an average of 3.1 million people and is one of the most popular places to visit in Sweden, especially in the summer.
  26. Travel with a travel agency in the country: qetour
  27. Clothes that should be prepared to travel: Coat, scarf, gloves, hat.
  28. National Festival: Mid-Summer Festival in Sweden In the summer festival Or in the Swedish language That the Swedes favor They often sing and dance around. Mighty wooden pole called “May Pole”, a Midsummer festival Held to celebrate the longest day in the year It is one of the most favorite festivals in Sweden. Usually held on a nice day And is considered a tradition that has been practiced since ancient times. With ceremonies closely related to nature and the hope of a successful fall crop. Among all the activities of the Midsummer Festival There is no activity that is important and is as popular as lifting the Maypole pole.
  29. Importing goods without tax:
  30. Requesting permission to visit the country:
  31. Useful vocabulary, conversation, language: 1. Talar du svenska? Can you look at Sweden?
    2.Forstar du svenska? The Ferrari store
    looks like Spanska. Do you understand Swedish? 3.Varifran ar du? Where is the air conditioner?
    Do you come from? 4.Jag kammer fran Thailand? York Air Fruit Thailand I am from Thailand
  32. Passport and entry visa:
  33. Immigration and customs countries: Sweden is a member of the European Union. But did not participate in using the euro currency And being a Schengen member on 25 March 2001. Therefore, those who hold Thai passports requesting Schengen visas from countries of the country In any one country Will be able to travel to all Schengen countries But must travel to the country that has been first registered in the country And stay for a period of 3 months within a period of 6 months.

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