Indonesian History Story

Indonesian History

In the past, these islands that constitute Indonesia have not yet been integrated into a single state. But called separately according to the kingdom such as Mataram Srivichai Singhasari Matchhahit or by people such as Java Mata Bali until the Dutch had originally ruled the islands Indonesia’s close relations with India in both trade and culture. Resulting in the influence of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs Until the influence of Islam replaced it in the 13th century

In the 15th century, Indonesia began to be of interest to Europeans. Since it is a spice source Portuguese and Spanish people entered the region in the early 16th century. And Portugal occupied East Timor as a colony. It was also during the period that the Dutch East India Company Vereniging Oost Indische Compagnie-VOC was established. Using the method of influence over the local rulers, and in 2145 BC was the beginning of the rule of Indonesia as a Dutch colony

Later, in 1799, after the Dutch government took over the business of the VOC, the Dutch government took over colonial rule in Indonesia. In the beginning of the 20th century, there was a trend of nationalism in Indonesia against colonial rule.

In 1942, Japan prevailed over the Dutch East India Company and ruled Indonesia for a period. After Japan lost the war Nationalist groups led by Sukarno and Hatta declared independence to Indonesia on 17 August 1945. However, there was still fighting between Indonesia and the Dutch. Which tried to come back to rule Indonesia as a colonial Until December 27, 1945, the Dutch agreed to give independence back to Indonesia completely. Indonesia expanded its territory three times, namely on May 1, 1963, after the Dutch New Guinea or Irian Jaya today gained independence. Indonesia announced the annexation of territories in September 1969, later in 1975-1976. Indonesia invaded and annexed East Timor, which used to be a Portuguese colony and announced the annexation The territory became part of the Republic of Indonesia in July 1976, but the international community does not accept claims over East Timor of Indonesia. Until allowing the United Nations to take an active role in East Timor (Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste) became an independent country on 20 May 2002.

In April 1982, the International announced the acceptance of sovereignty over the sea. Which connects various islands Of Indonesia together, allowing Indonesia to announce the sea area as the exclusive economic zone of the country in 1983

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