I Cannot Hug You 无法拥抱的你 Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

I Cannot Hug You 无法拥抱的你 Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Li Shiya thought that Jiang Zhihao had already untied her heart, so she would definitely have a full meal. However, when she went to hold Jiang Zhihao’s hand, Jiang Zhihao immediately avoided disinfecting his hand like a snake. Li Shiya was puzzled. Why was it clear that Jiang Zhihao’s cleansing disorder was still not good? Jiang Zhihao said that this habit has been with him for many years and cannot be changed overnight. Li Shiya was like the eggplant beaten by Frost, so she made so much herself, wasn’t she in vain? There are only the last two chapters in the fairy tale book. What excuse will you use to approach him again?

Li Shiya hasn’t contacted Jiang Zhihao for a whole day, which makes Jiang Zhihao feel like he doesn’t know what to eat and can’t sleep at night. He even wondered if she ran away with her fairy tale book. Finally, he decided to come out and take a look. But he rang the doorbell a few times, and no one came out to open the door. The cleaning aunt told Jiang Zhihao that he watched Li Shiya drag his suitcase away two days ago. Wynn Ayer arranged devil training for all the shortlisted models, and they were taken to a deserted island with no signal. The first task entrusted to them was to find a companion to take a double photo.

Female model Chen Qing was excluded from other models due to her excellent qualifications. At a critical moment, Li Shiya was speaking out of righteousness. Chen Qing was very grateful to Li Shiya, so Chen Qing invited Li Shiya to be her partner. When taking photos, the photographer suggested that the two should be shooting hand in hand, Li Shiya instinctively refused, but Chen Qing, who was unknown, took the initiative to lift Li Shiya’s hand. Sure enough, Chen Qing fainted because Li Shiya sucked too much energy.

At night, the model Lili talks to everyone about daytime. Lili thinks that this is because Li Shiya deliberately hurt Chen Qing, because Chen Qing is her biggest opponent. Li Shiya was so angry that she argued with Lili. In the morning, Li Shiya decided to go for a run. After Shi Ya left, Li Li immediately deliberately provoked Chen Qing. It turned out that when Li Li wanted to let Chen Qing and Li Shi Ya fight both losses, she came to take advantage of the fisherman. Li Shiya was attacked unexpectedly when she went out and passed out in the woods on the mountain. In the evening, Li Shiya did not return, Chen Qing came out to find Li Shiya. But when she found Li Shiya, she remembered what Li Li had told her. Li Shiya was her biggest competitor. Chen Qing turned off Li Shiya’s walkie-talkie for selfishness and went back alone.

Qi Qingran and Yu Ze planned to go to the school where they had studied before, but received a call from Enaier halfway. On the phone, the other party told Li Shiya to withdraw from the race without permission, knowing that Li Shiya had a clear understanding of what happened to Li Shiya, so she and Yu Ze hurried to the deserted island. On the other side, Zhihao also called Li Shiya’s model company and got a clear call. In order to disguise his feelings, Zhihao deliberately said that Li Shiya took his books and did not return them to himself, so he sought Li Shiya. However, he was clearly informed that Li Shiya might have happened on the deserted island.

Anxious Jiang Zhihao used his entire net to charter a steamer and rushed to the deserted island overnight. Simba, who came from behind, had to wait on the shore because Jiang Zhihao was taken away by the boat. Jiang Zhihao, who landed on the shore, looked around for Li Shiya anxiously, and finally he found it. At this moment looking at Li Shiya, who was trembling coldly in front of him, Jiang Zhihao could no longer hide his own emotions. He stepped forward and kissed Li Shiya tightly. The night was long and cold, but they could not beat their love.


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