How Important is it to Check Vitamin D Levels?

Where is vitamin D found?

Vitamin D is found naturally from UV sunlight and fatty foods from fish, cod liver oil, liver, oats, mushrooms, egg yolks, and cheese, or from taking vitamin D supplements.

If there is a lack of vitamin D, what effect will it have on the body?

Vitamin D is responsible for helping in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are important minerals in building bones and teeth. which if lacking vitamin D May cause decreased bone mass and may cause thin bones (osteopenia) and osteoporosis (osteoporosis) and may cause immune system defects and cancer.

It can separate the systems that help in various bodily functions.

  • The bone system helps in the absorption of various minerals (Increases bone mineralization)
  • The intestinal system helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus (Increases absorption of Calcium and Phosphorus).
    immune system Helps in the division of blood cells (Induces differentiation)
  • Vascular system Helps control the expansion of blood vessels (Improves vasodilation)
  • Cancer (Tumor microenvironment) has the function of helping to inhibit the division of cancer cells (Inhibits proliferation), inducing cell division (Induces differentiation), and inhibiting blood transport to avoid cancer cells (Inhibits angiogenesis).

Who is at risk for vitamin D deficiency?

  • People rarely receive sunlight both from avoiding exposure to the sun and from using sunscreen that contains substances (SPF) that reduce the absorption of sunlight into the skin.
  • People with pancreatic disease and chronic hepatitis decrease the absorption
  • People with chronic kidney disease stage 3 – 4
  • Elderly people whose bodies deteriorate naturally and have outdoor activities and go out in the sunless
  • People with dark, dark skin tones, will cause the skin to produce less vitamin D.
  • People who are overweight high accumulation of fat in the blood
  • people with gastrointestinal disease This causes the absorption to decrease and start to have problems.
  • People who do not get enough vitamin D from their diet Foods that are high in vitamin D include fatty fish such as sardines, trout, tuna, salmon, and mackerel, as well as milk or cereals.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Muscle pain
  • Low immunity
  • Wounds heal slowly
  • Hair loss
  • Depression
  • Affects the cardiovascular system
  • Easily tired, lethargic

Vitamin D Test Results (Vitamin D)

  • Blood levels of vitamin D 25(OH)D less than 20 ng/mL are considered vitamin D deficiency.
  • A serum vitamin D 25(OH)D level in the range of 20-30 ng/mL is considered vitamin D insufficient.
  • A 25(OH)D serum vitamin D level greater than 30 ng/mL is considered adequate vitamin D level.
  • Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency indicates that the body may be under vitamin D levels. may affect the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which, if less absorption of these minerals May cause a decrease in bone mass

which can be divided into 2 age groups

  1. Newborns or infants if vitamin D levels are found to be lower than normal There is a risk of developing Rickets disease, also known as rickets.
  2. In adults, it may cause osteomalacia, also known as soft bones. But if the vitamin D level measurement results are greater than 30 ng/mL, there is no danger at all.

What should people with vitamin D deficiency or deficiency do?

  • Get out and experience more sunlight. You can do outdoor activities. That receives at least 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight, which sunlight helps convert cholesterol in the body into vitamin D.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin D, including liver, egg yolks, cod liver oil, mushrooms, and fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon.
  • Taking vitamin D supplements The doctor will choose to use vitamin D supplements. The type of vitamin D depends on the condition and suitability of each patient.
  • See your doctor regularly to check your vitamin D levels.

When there is a vitamin D deficiency How should I treat it?

You should consult your doctor to check your vitamin D blood level before taking vitamin supplements. This is because if we consume a large amount of vitamin D continuously exceeds demand for a long period of time. At doses greater than 20,000 IU per day, instead of being beneficial. It can cause harm and harm our health as well.

Article by Dr. Worawalan Thongkam

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