How does burdock root tea taste?

How does burdock root tea taste? Make a cup of heat-clearing and detoxifying burdock and chrysanthemum tea.

What does burdock tea taste like?

Depends on personal taste. The taste of burdock tea has always been controversial. Some people think that burdock tea tastes like coffee, some people think that burdock tea tastes like ginseng, and some people think that burdock tea tastes like green silk. Different people have different eating habits. , The taste of drinking is also different. Generally speaking, it is not unpleasant to drink. If you have not drunk it, you can try it. If you feel that the taste is bland, you can add sugar, wolfberry, red dates, honey and other seasonings.

Burdock tea is better for large or small pieces

Smaller is better. Generally speaking, the nutritional components of burdock tea are mainly in the middle of it, because high-quality burdock tea generally needs to be removed from the head and tail. The middle part is the part with the highest nutritional value, and the middle part is generally less. The finished burdock tea is also relatively small, so it is generally recommended to choose a smaller one when buying burdock tea.

How to make burdock tea at home

  1. Wash the burdock, remove the outer skin, and cut into slices 2 to 3 mm thick.
  2. Fill a basin with clean water and pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar. After the burdock shreds or slices are cut, they are immediately soaked in vinegar water.
  3. Then boil a pot of boiling water, remove the burdock and pour it into the pot, keep it at 90 degrees, and blanch for about 10 minutes.
  4. After that, remove the processed burdock shreds or slices to drain the water and prepare for drying.
  5. Finally, put the burdock slices or silk in the sun in a ventilated place to dry, usually it will dry in about 3 days.

The right time to drink burdock tea

It is recommended to drink burdock tea one hour after meals. The main ingredient of burdock tea is burdock. Burdock is a traditional Chinese medicine with strong medicinal properties. From a health point of view, it is best to drink burdock tea after meals, so as not to hurt the stomach healthy.

Burdock and Chrysanthemum Tea

Material: 5 grams of burdock root, 5 grams of chrysanthemum.


  1. Rinse the dust and dirt on the surface of burdock root and chrysanthemum with warm water.
  2. Then put it into a teapot and pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water to brew.
  3. Cover and soak for 10 minutes, and drink when the water temperature is below 60 degrees.

Efficacy: burdock root is acrid, bitter, cold in nature, returns to the lung and stomach meridians, has the effect of dispelling wind and heat, detoxification and swelling; chrysanthemum is bitter and sweet, cold in nature, returns to the stomach and liver meridians, clears heat and detoxifies, reduces swelling It has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, diuresis and swelling, and it is very suitable for people with edema and heat toxicity.


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