Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center and Golden Bahamanian Square located in 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island. The Forever Blooming Bauhinia Sculpture that gives the Expo Promenade the commonly used name of Golden Bauhinia Square was a gift from the Central Government to mark since 1997 handover an occasion that held tremendous significance for the world’s largest nation and that stands out as a landmark event in 20th century history.

Nowadays the site is hugely popular with Chinese visitors who come to take photos of the Reunification Monument, which bears inscriptions of the calligraphy of President Jiang Zemin who represented China at the Handover Ceremony and to enjoy the pomp and symbolism of the daily Flag-raising Ceremony with beautiful Victoria Harbor as a backdrop.

Daily Flag-raising Ceremony Every day except the first of each month from 7:50 a.m. – 8:03 a.m. and this ceremony is performed by Hong Kong police officers in ceremonial uniform and includes the playing of the national anthem. The ceremony will be conducted by different uniformed youth groups on the second Sunday of each month. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC) have 40,000 square meters aluminium roof sculpted to echo a seabird soaring in flight, the striking Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center is a major landmark on the Hong Kong Island skyline. This place Jackie Chan fans may remember the building as the setting for the dramatic grand finale of New Police Story that was also the backdrop for a spectacle of far more significance ceremony on 30 June 1997.

This is when the former British Crown Colony was returned to the People’s Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was established. Internationally, the HKCEC is known as a world-class convention and exhibition center and was voted Best Convention and Exhibition Center in Asia for the 13 times by industry awards in 2016.

How to get there
By Train

  • MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A5, walk along the footbridge of O’Brien Road, pass through Immigration Tower and Central Plaza to Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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