“Honey” sweetness that nourishes the skin from nature

Honey, known in Chinese as “feng mi” (蜂蜜) , is a natural sweetener. It is produced by the nectar of pollen stored in the beehive as a food source for the bees. It is rich in many minerals and nutritional values. In medicine, honey is widely known and has been used for a long time in treating various ailments.

According to the traditional Chinese medicine textbook Honey has a moderate effect, sweet taste, enters the meridian, lungs, spleen and large intestines. It has properties to nourish the central part. (spleen, stomach) moisturizes the lungs and intestines Helps relieve dry cough, and constipation. When used externally, it has properties to heal ulcers as well.

In addition to eating according to ancient Chinese beliefs Honey can also be regarded as a natural beauty enhancer. from historical record Honey has been used for beauty and skin care in China for over 1700 years. Women in the Jin Dynasty applied natural honey to their faces to beautify their skin. And the Chinese physician Zhenquan recorded in《药性论》 that 载蜂蜜“常服面如花红” means that if you regularly eat honey, your face will be red like a flower.

At present, it is found that there is hydrogen peroxide in honey. It is a substance that has the ability to fight bacteria. Help prevent acne. This type of substance can eliminate germs without damaging the skin tissue. It also contains 85-95% monosaccharides, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and many compounds that function as antioxidants. Make honey have properties that help protect the skin from UV rays. prevent irritation Helps to strengthen skin cells to be healthy, soft, helps to moisturize the skin. which makes honey widely used in skin care and maintenance.

5 secrets for beautiful skin with honey that Chinese doctors want to tell

1. formula for soft and smooth skin

Apply honey all over the face, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Because honey contains a lot of useful amino acids, enzymes, sugars and vitamins. that the human body can absorb If you do it regularly, it helps keep your skin smooth and soft.

2. Formula to reduce premature aging

Mix 50 grams of honey with 1 egg white, stir well and apply on the face. Then massage slowly and gently. After that, let it dry for about 20 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Do it twice a week to help keep your skin clean, glowing and slow down premature aging.

3. Moisturized skin formula, white and clear,

1 part honey mixed with 1 part fresh milk and 1 egg white, mix together and apply on the face. Use a thin cotton pad to put on another layer, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do it regularly 2 times a week for 1 month to make your skin clear and healthy.

4. Moisturizing formula for dry skin

Mix 1 part honey, 3 parts water, 1 part glycerin and 1 part rice flour mix together until creamy. Then apply it all over your face and leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off. This formula is suitable for people with dry and sensitive skin. Prevents irritation and helps increase moisture as well.

5. Blemish reduction formula

Wash your face with warm water thoroughly. Mix 1 part of honey with 0.5 grams of pearl powder and a little fresh milk. mix well Then apply it all over your face. And massage the area where the blemish occurs, leave the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse. Do it every day before going to bed to help fade blemishes and dark spots.

Article by Chinese physician Ranchana Tangmancharoensuk (Sun Li)

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